The editors of the ChLA Quarterly will consider scholarly articles on all aspects of children’s literature at any time. Articles submitted for publication should be 20-25 pages in length and should conform to MLA style. Please send completed essays by e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format to chlaquarterly@cmich.edu.
Please also submit electronically a cover sheet indicating the author's name and address. Identifying information should appear at no other place in the essay. For all submissions, please double-space all texts, notes, and bibliography; do not justify right margins or use a footnote/endnote program.
We will not consider work that is under submission elsewhere or that has been published previously. The Quarterly uses a double-anonymous evaluation system: we will not share the identity of the author with the readers, nor the readers’ identities with the author.
Books for review should be sent directly to the book review editor:
Mark I. West
English Department
UNC - Charlotte
Charlotte, NC 28223
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
The Children’s Literature Association Quarterly’s policies on submission are as follows: The journal accepts original work only (no reprints) and asks submitters to confirm that the essay in question is not under consideration at any other venue, although revised versions of portions of dissertation chapters are acceptable if the piece has not been published elsewhere. Normally the journal publishes only scholarly articles rather than interviews, short pieces, etc.; any exceptions to this policy are generated by the editors rather than by contributors sending unsolicited work.
All submissions are read by the editor and associate editors and assessed for suitability. Weak or unsuitable submissions receive an editorial report as part of the rejection email. Potentially publishable submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process with two outside reviewers. Articles are assessed for originality, value of contribution to the field, and quality of writing. Reviewers are asked to recommend either acceptance, acceptance with revisions, revision and resubmission, or rejection. “Acceptance with revisions” typically involves a clearance read from one or both of the original readers. “Revision and resubmission” involves sending out the revised manuscript to two readers, possibly but not necessarily the original ones. In all cases, the journal asks reviewers to complete their reports within four weeks of their receipt of the manuscript, with the aim being to advise the contributor of the editors’ decision within three months from the date of submission. Typically, an accepted article would see print between twelve and eighteen months from submission or resubmission.
Accepted articles undergo final approval and initial copy editing at the hands of the editor, with a second round of editing done by JHUP’s professional copy editor. Authors review both rounds of edits and the first proofs; revised proofs are reviewed by the editors only.
Joseph Michael Sommers, Central Michigan University
Sonya Sawyer Fritz, University of Central Arkansas
Amanda M. Greenwell, Central Connecticut State University
Krystal Howard, California State University-Northridge
Mark I. West, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Sierra Clark, Truman State University
David Donkor, Texas A&M University
Monica Flegel, Lakehead University
Lisa Rowe Fraustino, Eastern Connecticut State University
Allison Giffen, Western Washington University
Marnina Gonick, Mount Saint Vincent University
Michael Howarth, Missouri Southern State University
Zoe Jaques, University of Cambridge
Kim Kattari, Texas A&M University
Jo Keroes, San Francisco State University
Meena Khorana, Morgan State University
Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, University of Tübingen
Gillian Lathey, University of Roehampton
Rose Lovell-Smith, University of Auckland
Julia Mickenberg, University of Texas at Austin
Emer O’Sullivan, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Eric Tribunella, University of Southern Mississippi
Annette Wannamaker, Eastern Michigan University
Christine Wilkie-Stibbs, Warwick University
Thomas Crisp, Georgia State University, President
Elizabeth Rose Gruner, University of Richmond, Vice-President/President-Elect
Karen Chandler, University of Louisville, Past President
Eric L. Tribunella, University of Southern Mississippi, Treasurer
Maude Hines, Portland State University, Secretary
Michelle Pagni Stewart, Mt. San Jacinto College
Scott Pollard, Christopher Newport University
Derritt Mason, University of Calgary
Chris McGee, Longwood University
Lara Saguisag, City University of New York Staten Island
Althea Tait, SUNY Brockport
Naomi Hamer, Ryerson University
Cristina Rhodes, Shippensburg University
Angel Daniel Matos, Bowdoin University
Victoria Ford Smith, University of Connecticut
Books for review should be sent directly to the Book Review Editor:
Mark I. West
English Department
UNC - Charlotte
Charlotte, NC 28223
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.1 (2023)
0.2 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00015 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.
© Clarivate Analytics 2024
Published quarterly in Spring, Summer, and Winter
Readers include: Librarians, teachers, writers, scholars, and those interested in children's literature
Print circulation: 691
Full Page (4.75" x 7.5") - $450.00
Half Page (4.75" x 3.5") - $338.00
2 Page Spread - $675.00
February - December 15
May - March 15
August - June 15
November - September 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $338.00
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