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Theatre Topics


Susanne Shawyer, Elon University and Sukanya Chakrabarti, San José State University

35 (2025)
3 issues
The first theatre publication devoted to issues of concern to practitioners, Theatre Topics focuses on performance at the border of theory and practice. Concise and timely articles on a broad array of subjects such as dramaturgy, applied theatre, and pedagogy keep readers informed of the latest developments on the stage and in the classroom. The journal's audience includes scholars and students of theatre, educators, members of theatre associations, actors, directors, playwrights, dramaturgs, designers, and theatre enthusiasts. Theatre Topics is an official publication of the Association for...
The first theatre publication devoted to issues of concern to practitioners, Theatre Topics focuses on performance at the border of theory and practice. Concise and timely articles on a broad array of subjects such as dramaturgy, applied theatre, and pedagogy keep readers informed of the latest developments on the stage and in the classroom. The journal's audience includes scholars and students of theatre, educators, members of theatre associations, actors, directors, playwrights, dramaturgs, designers, and theatre enthusiasts. Theatre Topics is an official publication of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE). "An excellent addition to the literature of drama." -Bill Katz, Library Journal
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To view the most recent Theatre Topics Author Guidelines, please visit:

The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.

Peer Review Policy

Theatre Topics is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE)Topics is committed to publishing original scholarship written in accessible, well-defined language addressing a wide range of subjects, with an emphasis on articles that reflect the intersection of theory and practice. The journal is published three times a year (March, July, and November). Topics’ readership includes theatre educators, practitioners, and scholars. Subjects of interest include theatre practice (acting, design, directing, dramaturgy, playwriting, etc.), theatre pedagogy, advocacy, and applied theatre.

Theatre Topics accepts submissions in the following three formats:

Peer-reviewed article A double-spaced MS Word file 4,000–6,000 words in length. This is a double blind peer-review process. Editors read all submissions. Should they deem a submission potentially worthy of publication, they send the essay to two external reviewers. Based on the recommendations, the editors will either reject the essay, invite the author to revise and resubmit, or accept contingent upon successful revision (minor or major as indicated). Authors should allow up to 2-5 months from submission to final response. If accepted, the issue's editor will work with the author on any needed revision. The completed essay will then be sent for copy edits and finally for proofs. 

Note from the Field are brief works of fewer than 4,000 words. These projects should articulate relevant and meaningful perspectives on subjects of current interest in theatre, the performing arts, and / or pedagogical activity. The editors value work that invites readers to consider making or teaching theatre in the present moment in addition to strategies for assessing a specific theatre practice or pedagogy. Notes can be creative in nature and focus on direct, personal experiences. The editorial staff is particularly interested in Notes that expand beyond the personal essay to include interviews, dialogic formats, and manifestos. We also consider discussions of classroom exercises, resource lists, syllabi, and other hands-on tools or guides to practice and pedagogy. Unlike peer-reviewed articles, the author need not include a detailed theoretical frame; however, Notes must have a clear argument that is supported by evidence. Notes will not be sent through the double-blind peer-review process but will be evaluated by the editorial staff. The editors will contact the author with the decision of rejection, an invitation to revise and resubmit, or an acceptance (contingent upon successful revision, minor or major as outlined). Authors should allow up to 2-5 months from submission to final response. If accepted, the issue's editor will work with the author on any needed revision. The completed Note will then be sent for copy edits and finally for proofs. 

Book Reviews The journal publishes reviews of works relevant to theatre pedagogy and praxis. Interested reviewers for Topics should send a resume and a letter indicating areas of expertise to the Book Review Editor, Megan Sanborn Jones, at Commissioned authors will be provided more detailed guidelines.  

The journal acknowledges receipt of submissions by e-mail within 1–2 weeks. Simultaneous submissions are not accepted.

To view the most recent Theatre Topics Call for Papers, please visit:

To view the most recent Theatre Topics Editorial Board list, please visit:

Inquiries concerning book reviews should be addressed to the Book Review Editor:  

Jessica Del Vecchio
James Madison University
School of Theatre and Dance
Forbes Center for the Performing Arts
MSC 5601
147 Warsaw Avenue
Harrisonburg, VA 22807


The length of book reviews must be limited to: 1,000 words for a review of one book; 1,500 words for two books; and a maximum of 2,000 words for three books.

Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.

Abstracting & Indexing Databases

  • De Gruyter Saur
    • Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
    • IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
    • Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
  • EBSCOhost
    • Academic Search Alumni Edition, 3/1/2005-
    • Academic Search Complete, 3/1/2005-
    • Academic Search Elite, 3/1/2005-
    • Academic Search Premier, 3/1/2005-
    • Academic Search Ultimate, 3/1/2005-
    • Biography Index: Past and Present (H.W. Wilson), vol.12, no.2, 2002-vol.19, no.2, 2009
    • Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson), Jul.1997-
    • Current Abstracts, 3/1/2005-
    • Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson), 9/1/1997-
    • Education Index (Online), 1997/07-
    • Education Research Complete, 3/1/2004-
    • Education Research Index, Mar.2005-
    • Education Source, 9/1/1997-
    • Humanities International Complete, 3/1/2005-
    • Humanities International Index, 3/1/2005-
    • Humanities Source, 3/1/2005-
    • Humanities Source Ultimate, 3/1/2005-
    • International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text, 1/1/1992-
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), 9/1/1997-
    • Poetry & Short Story Reference Center, 3/1/2004-
    • TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 3/1/2005-
  • Gale
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
  • OCLC
    • ArticleFirst, vol.6, no.1, 1996-vol.21, no.2, 2011
    • Education Index (Online), 1997/07-
    • Electronic Collections Online, vol.6, no.1, 1996-vol.21, no.2, 2011
  • ProQuest
    • Art, Design & Architecture Collection, 07/01/2017-
    • Arts & Humanities Database, 07/01/2017-
    • Arts Premium Collection, 3/1/1996-
    • Education Collection
    • Education Database
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • Music & Performing Arts Collection, 07/01/2017-
    • Performing Arts Periodicals Database, 03/01/1996-
    • Periodicals Index Online
    • Professional ProQuest Central, 03/01/2003-03/01/2009
    • ProQuest 5000, 03/01/2003-03/01/2009
    • ProQuest 5000 International, 03/01/2003-03/01/2009
    • ProQuest Central, 07/01/2017-
    • Research Library, 03/01/2003-03/01/2009
    • Social Science Premium Collection, 07/01/2017-
    • The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL)

Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.

Published three times a year

Readers include: Scholars, educators, and students of performing arts, dramaturgy, and pedagogy; actors; directors; playwrights; designers; drama researchers; library patrons; conservatories; members of theatre associations; theatre enthusiasts; bookstores; and all members of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education

Print circulation: 472

Print Advertising Rates

Full Page: (5.5 x 8") – $450.00

Half Page: (5.5 x 4") – $338.00

2 Page Spread – $675.00

Print Advertising Deadlines

March Issue – January 15

July Issue – May 15

November Issue – September 15

Online Advertising Rates (per month)

Promotion (400x200 pixels) – $338.00

Online Advertising Deadline

Online advertising reservations are placed on a month-to-month basis.

All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.

General Advertising Info

For more information on advertising or to place an ad, please visit the Advertising page.



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