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Surviving Infidelity: How to Heal and Rebuild Trust
A compassionate guide to help couples survive infidelity and improve their relationship.
Just Lucky
By Paul A. Lombardo I began my book Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court and Buck v. Bell, with an account of my introduction to the Buck case in 1980, when I saw a newspaper story about a lawsuit brought by someone who had been...

Practitioner Research
By Payam Sheikhattari, Michael T. Wright, Gillian B. Silver, Cyrilla van der Donk, and Bas van Lanen Social workers, nurses, and other health professionals want to improve the health and wellbeing of those around them. And they want to know if their work is...

Thriving With Kidney Disease
By Walter A. Hunt, Ph.D. In 1997, I embarked on a journey that I dreaded taking, continuing a legacy that began over one hundred years ago. I inherited polycystic kidney disease, one that has been in my family for at least six generations. With this disease...

Migraine: A History
I didn’t set out to write Migraine: A History as a book spanning nearly two thousand years. As a specialist in nineteenth-century disease and medicine, I’d planned to write something distinctly more modern. In fact, a good friend had gently but firmly warned...

Journals Examine Measles from Many Perspectives
Public health officials across the United States find themselves grappling with a surge in cases of the measles. New York City has declared a public health emergency, and the Centers for Disease Control have confirmed more cases in the first 14 weeks of 2019...

Diabetes Head to Toe: Q&A with the Authors
Why did you decide to write Diabetes Head to Toe? Diabetes is not a one-size-fits-all disease. There are different types of diabetes and a wide range of complications—head to toe—that may develop. Not everyone benefits from the same treatments. Health care...

Defending the Soda Tax
Research released recently by researchers from Drexel University in Philadelphia concluded that taxes on soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages can reduce consumption of these drinks. Published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, the study...

PCHP Gets New Editorial Team
A new editorial team has been chosen to lead the groundbreaking journal Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action (PCHP). Alvin H. Strelnick, Assistant Dean for Community Engagement at New York's Albert Einstein College of...

Examining Medical Futility
The journal Perspectives in Biology and Medicine recently published a special issue on decisions involving medical futility. The issue features 21 responses to a paper written by Lawrence J. Schneiderman, Nancy S. Jecker and Albert R. Jonsen. Editor Martha...

What Makes Health Care Special?
What makes health care special? That’s the question driving an essay by Chad Horne in a recent issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal. Horne, currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA...