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Unlocking the Potential of Post-Industrial Cities
As urban economists, we are interested in everything that affects the economic well-being of people, businesses, and neighborhoods in cities. Cities are exciting and dynamic places where diverse groups of people benefit from close interaction. However, cities...
City People: Black Baltimore in the Photographs of John Clark Mayden
It began with a visit, on a calm December day, to a spacious, sunlit farmhouse on the edge of Leakin Park. There I encountered for the first time John Clark Mayden’s Baltimore “street portraits”—photographs set worlds away from that peaceful location … or so...
Baltimore Lives
Photography is my passion and I enjoy the process of bringing stories to life. With each facial expression, setting, or environment in the picture, there is a personal or communal untold story to be shared. The pictures in Baltimore Lives give life to the...
Cork Wars: Films Introduce a Story of Nature and Business in War
As a writer, it’s rare to feel that a story is destined for you. I felt that way with my first book, Ginseng, the Divine Root, about forests and a secretive subculture around a medicinal plant from American forests that for over two centuries has been exported...
The Ivy Bookshop: Selling the Facts and Serving the Community
This fall, one of the The Ivy Bookshop’s top titles might surprise you. It’s not a hot new novel from a best-selling author. It’s not a celebrity memoir. No, it’s Baltimore: A Political History, by Matthew Crenson, published by the Johns Hopkins University...
When the National Pastime Wasn’t National
Racial tension is alive and well in America. Think Ferguson, Missouri; politicians vying for the African American vote; disputes over statues of Confederate soldiers and the Confederate flag; the Supreme Court’s rejection of two newly-drawn electoral districts...
Behind the Book: Photographs from Disease and Discovery
The following are extended captions from Elizabeth Fee’s Disease and Discovery: A History of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1916–1939. Fee’s book tells the story of the founding and early years of the nation’s first dedicated school of...