Harold Braswell
edited by Leslie M. Howes, MPH, CIP, Sarah A. White, MPH, CIP, and Barbara E. Bierer, MD
Ed Regis
Peter L. Beilenson, MD, MPH
edited by Lisa M. Sullivan and Sandro Galea
Donald A. Barr, MD, PhD
John D. Banja
Lee Keyes
Vinayak K. Prasad, MD, MPH, and Adam S. Cifu, MD
Henk A.M.J. ten Have, MD, PhD
William G. Weissert and Carol S. Weissert
Nicolas Rasmussen
edited by Christabelle Sethna and Gayle Davis
Sara E. Davies
Richard (Buz) Cooper, MD
Homer Venters, former Chief Medical Officer of NYC Jails
Amir A. Afkhami
Ellen Aglerwith Mojie Criglerforeword by Bill Gates
edited by Jeffrey L. Sturchio, Ilona Kickbusch, and Louis Galambosforeword by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization
Quinn Grundy
with Hopkins Press Books