A refreshingly original and powerfully argued re-conception of the issues and the forces at work in this period of the conversion not of Constantine, but of Christianity... With laser-keen insight, bold thinking, and also a large measure of wry humor, Drake has presented a plausible and powerful interpretation of this formative moment in Western history... A riveting story, and masterfully told. Anyone who rejoices in our Founding Fathers' constitutional conviction that church must be kept separate from state will read Constantine and the Bishops with deepest appreciation; and perhaps those who long for the opposite should read it, too. The lessons of late antiquity remain pertinent, alas, to the politics of religion in our own day.
If you read one book on late antiquity this year, read this one. If you read one book on politics this year, read this one again... A work of visionary brilliance.
The strength of this work is Drake's skillful use of a wide range of scholarship... This is a stimulating book, with a persuasive thesis.
In its scholarship and size Constantine and the Bishops is clearly a work to benefit scholars, but the clarity of its explanations make it accessible to the enterprising undergraduate as well.
Compelling... His overarching thesis provides a persuasive new paradigm.
A well organized, well documented, and well written study.
This is a learned, broadly based, and carefully elaborated argument. It is also racily written, interesting, and hard to put down.
A thoughtful and erudite book that breaks the mold... A powerful study with a strong, coherent thesis, Constantine and the Bishops is animated by a fresh vision of the early fourth century. It skillfully incorporates major historical themes in unexpected and rewarding ways.
Book Details
Part I. Contstantinople 335 AD
Chapter 1. The Game of Empire
Chapter 2. The Church Becomes a Player
Chapter 3. Opportunities
Part II. The Old Guard Changes
Chapter 4. In Search of a Vision
Part I. Contstantinople 335 AD
Chapter 1. The Game of Empire
Chapter 2. The Church Becomes a Player
Chapter 3. Opportunities
Part II. The Old Guard Changes
Chapter 4. In Search of a Vision
Chapter 5. Building a Coalition
Chapter 6. Consequences
Part III. Consensus Politics
Chapter 7. Controlling the Message
Chapter 8. Controlling the Agenda
Chapter 9. Unintended Consequences
Part IV. The Fine Print
Chapter 10. Power Players
Chapter 11. Milan, 390