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The Henry James Review


Greg Zacharias, Creighton University

46 (2025)
3 issues
The Henry James Review is the only journal devoted to Henry James. One of the very best single-author journals in the marketplace, it is open to the diversity of critical biographical, archival, and creative work being done on James. In addition to the insightful essays, every issue contains book reviews of works across the broad range of James Studies.
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Please include in the text of the email the author’s name, mailing address, and title of the article. The manuscript should use current MLA style and include any endnotes, works cited, and an abstract of 100 or fewer words.

Authors' names should not appear on their manuscripts, nor should they refer to themselves in the first person in submitted text or notes if such references would identify them.

Greg Zacharias, Editor
The Henry James Review
Center for Henry James Studies
Creighton University
Omaha, NE 68178
Phone: 402-280-5714

The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.

Peer Review Policy

The Henry James Review encourages the diversity of critical biographical, archival, and creative work being done in Henry James studies. Articles reflecting these new perspectives are especially welcome. In particular, contributors are encouraged to consult and cite whenever appropriate two large scholarly editions, currently under way, which offer a much fuller knowledge and understanding of James’s works and career, The Complete Fiction of Henry James (Cambridge University Press) and The Complete Letters of Henry James (University of Nebraska Press).If contributors have no (library) access to the relevant texts, e.g., through Cambridge Core, Cambridge University Press has generously agreed to make available a pdf, subject to the signing of a fair-use agreement; the Center for Henry James Studies at Creighton University will be able to provide a pdf of any letters under similar conditions.  In addition to insightful essays, every issue contains book reviews having to do with the field. Electronic submissions generally (though not exclusively) between 8,000 15,000 words are to be sent to The author’s name, mailing address, and title of the article must be included in the text of the email. The manuscript should use current MLA style and include any endnotes, works cited, and an abstract of 100 or fewer words. Authors' names do not appear on the manuscript submission, nor should authors refer to themselves in the first person in the submitted text or notes if such references would identify them.  The submission must be original work that has not previously been published and must not be under consideration elsewhere.  An initial internal review is completed to determine whether to send the manuscript to readers.  Manuscripts undergo blind referee review and are judged upon the manuscript's contribution to Henry James studies and familiarity with past and current scholarship on Henry James. Revise and resubmit decisions may be determined, in which case the revised manuscript is considered again for possible publication. The submission review process takes approximately two months, and accepted articles are usually published within a year.


The Leon Edel Prize is awarded annually for the best essay on Henry James by a beginning scholar.  The prize carries with it an award of $300, and the prize-winning essay will be published in HJR.

The competition is open to applicants who have not held a full-time academic appointment for more than four years. Independent scholars and graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Essays should be 20-30 pages (including notes), original, and not under submission elsewhere or previously published.  Please send the manuscript in Microsoft Word format.

Send electronic submissions to:

Author's name should not appear on the manuscript.  Please identify essays as submissions for the Leon Edel Prize.  The competition is limited to one submission per author.

A brief curriculum vitae should be included. 

Decisions about regular publication are also made at the same time as the prize decision.

Deadline: November 1, 2025

Henry James and the Archive

The Henry James Review invites essays between 1,000 and 12,500 words on any aspect of Henry James Studies and archives for a special Fall 2025 Forum issue on “Henry James and the Archive.”

Topics could include, for example:

• Using archives for Henry James scholarship
• Changes in how we understand the nature of the Henry James archive
• New archival sources for Henry James scholarship
• Collecting or collections of Henry James-related material(s)
• Overlooked or forgotten archives or archival research methods for Henry James scholarship
• James’s use of archives, archival concepts, and/or the archival in his fiction or non-fiction
• Henry James as archivist

Contributions should be produced according to current MLA style. Please identify your manuscript as a “Henry James and the Archive” Forum submission.

Send submissions to by April 1, 2025.

Henry James Review, 45.3

Table of Contents

Papers from the Ninth International Conference of the Henry James Society, Kyoto, Japan, 5-8 July 2023

Introduction. GREG ZACHARIAS

Henry James and the “Laboratory Brain”: The Neuroscience of Cognitive Time-Travel. PAUL B. ARMSTRONG

The Echoing Pan-Pacific--Henry James, Cid Corman, Lindley Williams Hubbell, and Gary Snyder. KEIKO BEPPU 

“Not, out of the whole affair, to have got anything for myself”: James’s Mediators. DAVID MCWHIRTER 

“Good company”: The Interpretative Communities of The Golden Bowl. PHILIP HORNE 

Cynthia Ozick Reframing Henry James: From “Publishing Scoundrel” to False Messiah. MERLE A. WILLIAMS

John Singer Sargent’s Portraits of Henry James as Windows into a Suppressed Queer Friendship. PAUL FISHER

A “big depressing dazzling joke”: Τhe Limits of Hospitality in “The Aspern Papers.” ANNA DESPOTOPOULOU

Urban Talk: Communication across Class and Gender in Watch and Ward. LEONARDO BUONOMO

Distant Relations: The Othered Construction and Communicability of Mona Brigstock and Communities Offstage. SARAH CHAMBRÉ


The Adventures of Scene and Summary. Brian Gingrich. The Pace of Fiction: Narrative Movement and the Novel. MERLE A. WILLIAMS

Annie Pfeifer. To the Collector Belong the Spoils: Modernism and the Art of Appropriation. HITOMI NAKAMURA NABAE

Michael Anesko and Greg W. Zacharias, editors. The Complete Letters of Henry James 1887-1888. JEAN MCGARRY 

Daniel Hannah. Queer Atlantic: Masculinity, Mobility, and the Emergence of Modernist Form. ULADZISLAŬ IVANOŬ

Merle A. Williams, editor. Cultures of Populism: Institutions, Practices, and Resistance. JAROSŁAW HETMAN

Michael Anesko. Henry James Framed: Material Representations of the Master. WENDY GRAHAM

Rosella Mamoli Zorzi and Simone Francescato, editors. The Aspern Papers and Other Tales: 1884-1888. ILONA MANNAN

Urakova, Alexandra. Dangerous Giving in Nineteenth-Century American Literature. JORDAN WILLIAMSON 

Emily Coit. American Snobs: Transatlantic Novelists, Liberal Culture, and the Genteel Tradition. ÁGNES ZSÓFIA KOVÁCS

Kenneth Gross. Dangerous Children: On Seven Novels and a Story. AMÂNDIO REIS

Stuart Burrows, Henry James and the Promise of Fiction. ZACHARY TAVLIN

Volume 45.3 (2024)

Number 3, Fall 2024: Papers from the Ninth International Conference of the Henry James Society, Kyoto, Japan, 5-8 July 2023 features contributions by Paul Armstrong, Keiko Beppu, David McWhirter, Philip Horne, Merle A. Williams,Paul Fisher, Anna Despotopoulou, Leonardo Buonomo, and Sarah Chambré.

Volume 44.3 (2023)

Number 3, Fall 2023: Radical Henry James is a special issue edited by J. Michell Coghlan and John Funchion and features Nathaniel Cadle, Sophia Forster, Joshua Fagan, Thomas Meaney, Michele Mendelssohn.

Volume 43.3 (2022)

Number 3, Fall 2022: Health, Happiness, Henry James features Eli Zuzovsky, Sarah Kimmet, Vinayak Dewan, Thomas Meaney, Phyllis Van Slyck, Yuki Miyazawa, and Timothy P. Jackson.

Volume 42.3 (2021)

Number 3, Fall 2021: Henry James and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Landscape features contributions by Rachel Bryan, Elisa Sotgiu, Ashley C. Barnes, Michael Anesko, Mary M. Burke, June Hee Chung, and Prentiss Clark.

Volume 41 (2020)

Number 1, Winter 2020: Emotion, Feeling, Sentiment in James: "Sorrow comes in great waves" (continued from 40.3) features contributions by David McWhirter, Rivky Mondal, Wenwen Guo, and Chunlin Men.

VOLUME 41 (2020)

Number 3, Fall 2020: The Sound of James: The Aural Dimension in Henry James’s Work features contributions by Donatella Izzo, Lawrence Kramer, Matthew Rubery, Michael Anesko, Paul Fisher, Merle A. Williams, Philip Horne, Sarah Wadsworth, and Brendan Whitmarsh.

Volume 40 (2019)

Number 3, Fall 2019: Emotion, Feeling, Sentiment in James: "Sorrow comes in great waves" features contributions by Rita Charon, Ivana Cikes, Tatjana Jukic, Jessica Krzeminski, Anne Langendorfer, Diana Leca, Julian Murphet, Daniel Swain, Jane F. Thrailkill, and Colton Valentine.

Volume 39 (2018)

Number 3, Fall 2018: Henry James, 1916-1945 features contributions by Mary Ann Caws, Dan Fogel, William Cain, Simone Francescato, Hazel Hutchison, Mario Ortiz-Robles, Kerry Sutherland, Rachel Bryan, Korey Garibaldi, and Michael Nowlin.

Volume 38 (2017)

Number 3, Fall 2017: Commemorating Henry James features contributions by Denis Donoghue, Neil Reeve, Ruth Bernard Yeazell, Philip Horne, Beverly Haviland, Ross Wilson, Matteo Gonfiantini, Miroslawa Buccholtz, and Shawna Ross.

Volume 37 (2016)

Number 3, Fall 2016: Illness, Age, Death features contributions by Dan Abitz, Rita Charon, Melanie Dawson, Mary Eyring, Andrew Hewish, Daniel Rosenberg Nutters, Talia Schaffer, Dorin Smith, David Sherman, and Lynda Zwinger.

Volume 36 (2015)

Number 3, Fall 2015: Fredric Jameson, Henry James features contributions by Fredric Jameson, David Alworth, John Brenkman, Aaron Jaffe, Anna Kornbluh, Daniel Moore, Julian Murphet, Francesca Sawaya, Phillip Wegner, Ben Wetherbee, and Constance Wilmarth.

Volume 35 (2014)

Number 3, Fall 2014: Jamesian Styles features contributions by Stuart Burrows, Meili Steele, Paul Grimstad, Mary Ann O’Farrell, Matthew Krumholtz, Sarah Salter, Bethany Layne, David Hoover, João Cardoso De Lima, Jacek Gutorow, and Philip Tsang.

Volume 34 (2013)

Number 3, Fall 2013: Reading James features contributions by John Gibson, Wendy Graham, Donatella Izzo, Alexander Nemerov, John Plotz, Kristin Boyce, David Hannah, and Barbara Hochman.

Volume 33 (2012)

Number 3, Fall 2012: Features papers from the 2011 Henry James Conference in Rome, including keynotes by Cristina Giorcelli, Bruce Robbins, and Leslie Marmon Silko and papers by Jonathan Arac, J. Michelle Coghlan, Paul Fisher, Jonathan Freedman, Christopher Looby, and Tessa Hadley.

Volume 32 (2011)

Number 3, Fall 2011: Leo Bersani, Henry James features contributions by Leo Bersani, Gert Buelens, Robert Caserio, Sigi Jottkandt, David McWhirter, Omri Moses, Eric Savoy, Sam See, Susan Winnett, Maha Jafri, and Kimberly Lamm.

Volume 31 (2010)

Number 3, Fall 2010: The Women features contributions by Susan Gunter, Clair Hughes, Joanne Gates, Gail Marshall, Geraldine Murphy, Sarah Wadsworth, Meaghan Clarke, Sarah Blackwood, and Jennifer Sorensen Emery-Peck.

Volume 30 (2009)

Number 3, Fall 2009: This issue collects, for the first time, Colm Tóibín’s critical essays on Henry James.

Volume 29 (2008)

Number 3, Fall 2008: Short James Forum features contributions by Matthew Rubert, Paul Grimstad, Wendy Graham, Andrea Zemgulys, Jonathan Readey, Isobel Waters, and Rita Charon.

Volume 28 (2007)

Number 3, Fall 2007: Jamesian Forms features contributions by Daniel O'Hara, David Kurnick, Kent Puckett, Lee Clark Mitchell, Adam Sonstegard, Christine McBride, Andrew Eastham, Amanda Sigler, and William Wortman.

Volume 27 (2006)

Number 3, Fall 2006: Papers from the 2005 Tracing Henry James conference in Venice features contributions by Daniel Mark Fogel, Colm Toibin, John Carlos Rowe, Leo Bersani, Philip Horne, Joseph Rosenberg, Tarmar Yacobi, Alide Cagidemetrio, Michael Anesko, and Eric Savoy.

Volume 26 (2005)

Number 3, Fall 2005: Reading Henry James features contributions by Herbert Tucker, Mary Ann O'Farrell, Neil Chilton, Tessa Hadley, Hilary Schor, Melanie Ross, Michael Wood, Susan M. Ryan, Greg Zacharias, and Denis Flannery.

Volume 25 (2004)

Number 3, Fall 2004: Senses of the Past features contributions by Joseph Epstein, Beverly Haviland, Nicholas Dames, Tamara Follini, Stephanie Hawkins, Laura Saltz, Jonathan Warren, Eric Haralson, Mary Ann O'Farrell, and Alison Booth.

Volume 24 (2003)

Number 3, Fall 2003: Global James features contributions by John Carlos Rowe, Wai Chee Dimock, Paul Giles, Hsuan Hsu, Reet Sool, Hitomi Nabae, Kim Choon-hee, Roxana Oltean, Sergio Perosa, Elzbieta Foeller-Pituch, and Tatiana Petrovich Njegosh.

Volume 23 (2002)

Number 3, Fall 2002: Jamesian Arts features contributions by Adam Parkes, Susan Casteras, Bill Brown, Sheila Teahan, Stuart Burrows, Jonah Siegel, Caroline Levander, Mark Desiderio, Tom Nichols and Tessa Hadley.

Volume 22 (2001)

Number 3, Fall 2001: James and the Sacred features contributions by Robert Weisbuch, Kevin Kohan, Marcia Ian, Pericles Lewis, Gregory Erickson, Eric Savoy, Michael Reid, Naomi Silver, and Jill Galvan.

Volume 21 (2000)

Number 3, Fall 2000: Material James features contributions by Mark Seltzer, Richard Adams, Greg Zacharias, Heather O'Donnell, Collin Meissner, Timothy Dow Adams, James C. Davis, Sheri Weinstein, Pierre Walker, Steven Jobe, and Cheryl Torsney.

Volume 20 (1999)

Number 3, Fall 1999Fin-de-Siècle James features contributions by Wendy Graham, Hugh Stevens, Christopher Lane, Eric Savoy, Millicent Bell, David McWhirter, Shelley Salamensky, and Susan Crowl.

Volume 19 (1998)

Number 3, Fall 1998: Popular James features contributions by Richard Salmon, Adeline Tintner, William Veeder, Alan Nadel, Dianne Sadoff, and an interview with Cynthia Ozick, Sheldon Novick, and Susan Griffin.

Volume 18 (1997)

Number 3, Fall 1997: James and Philosophy features contributions by Arthur C. Danto, Cora Diamond, Garry Hagberg, Jonathan Levin, and Sheldon Novick.

Number 2, Spring 1997: The May 1997 issue features responses to director Jane Campion's recent feature film "The Portrait of a Lady," including contributions by Dale Bauer, Nancy Bentley, Marc Bousquet, Karen Chandler, Alan Nadel, Priscilla Walton, and Virginia Wexman.

Volume 17 (1996)

Number 3, Summer 1996: Forum on Teaching James

Volume 16 (1995)

Number 3, Fall 1995: Race Forum


Greg Zacharias

Book Review Editor

Mirosława Buchholtz

Managing Editor

B. Joanne Webb

Editorial Board

Michael Anesko 
Gert Buelens 
Anna Despotopoulou 
Daniel Mark Fogel 
Michael Gorra 
Wendy Graham 
Susan Griffin 
Daniel Hannah 
Oliver Herford 
Philip Horne 
Hazel Hutchison 
Donatella Izzo 
Charles Johanningsmeier 
Kathleen Lawrence 
Timothy Lustig 
Dee MacCormack 
David McWhirter 
Hitomi Nabae 
Sergio Perosa 
Leland S. Person 
Julie Rivkin 
Eric Savoy 
Shelia Teahan 
Pierre A. Walker 
Priscilla Walton 
Merle Williams

Contact Mirosława Buchholtz ( regarding books available for review.

Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.

Abstracting & Indexing Databases

  • Clarivate Analytics
    • Arts & Humanities Citation Index
    • Current Contents
    • Web of Science
  • De Gruyter Saur
    • IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
    • Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
  • EBSCOhost
    • Academic Search Alumni Edition, 1/1/2007-
    • Academic Search Complete, 1/1/2007-
    • Academic Search Elite, 1/1/2007-
    • Academic Search Premier, 1/1/2007-
    • Current Abstracts, 1/1/2007-
    • Humanities International Complete, 1/1/2007-
    • Humanities International Index, 1/1/2007-
    • Humanities Source, 1/1/2007-
    • Humanities Source Ultimate, 1/1/2007-
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 1/1/2007-
  • Elsevier BV
    • Scopus, 2002-
  • Gale
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
  • OCLC
    • ArticleFirst, vol.14, no.1, 1993-vol.32, no.2, 2011
    • Electronic Collections Online, vol.16, no.1, 1995-vol.32, no.2, 2011
    • Periodical Abstracts, v.21, n.1, 2000-v.31, n.2, 2010
  • ProQuest
    • Literary Journals Index Full Text
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • Periodicals Index Online
    • Professional ProQuest Central, 01/01/1996-
    • ProQuest 5000, 01/01/1996-
    • ProQuest Central, 01/01/1996-
    • Research Library, 01/01/1996-
    • The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL)

Abstracting & Indexing Sources

  • Abstracts of English Studies   (Ceased)  (Print)
  • Bibliographic Index   (Ceased)  (Print)
  • Index to Book Reviews in the Humanities   (Ceased)  (Print)
  • Literary Criticism Register   (Ceased)  (Print)
  • MLA Abstracts of Articles in Scholarly Journals   (Ceased)  (Print)

Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.

0.1 (2023)
0.2 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00020 (Eigenfactor™ Score)

Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.

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Published three times a year

Readers include: Academics, students, scholars, and others active in the study of James’s life and works. The Review can also be found in art, language, and literature collections and in college and research libraries.

Print circulation: 117

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2 Page Spread – $563.00

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February Issue – December 15

May Issue – March 15

November Issue – September 15

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