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Cover image of Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas
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Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas


Leona Toker, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

23 (2025)
Partial Answers is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that focuses on the study of literature and the history of ideas. Partial Answers strives to explore ways in which literary texts can be perceived both as works of art and as testing grounds for ideas. The editors believe literary works participate in the history of ideas, whether understood as a continuous line of development, as a process of inheriting and correcting schemas, or as a sequence of archeological layers. Partial Answers publishes articles on various national literatures including Anglophone, Hebrew...
Partial Answers is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that focuses on the study of literature and the history of ideas. Partial Answers strives to explore ways in which literary texts can be perceived both as works of art and as testing grounds for ideas. The editors believe literary works participate in the history of ideas, whether understood as a continuous line of development, as a process of inheriting and correcting schemas, or as a sequence of archeological layers. Partial Answers publishes articles on various national literatures including Anglophone, Hebrew, Yiddish, German, Russian, and predominately English literature.
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Journal Details

23 (2025)
Print: 1565-3668
Online: 1936-9247

The editorial board will consider articles of 3,000 to 10,000 words, written in accordance with The Chicago Manual of Style 15th edition. Submissions, along with cover pages and abstracts, should be sent to .

JHUP Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.

Peer Review Policy

Submissions to Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas must be original work not submitted simultaneously elsewhere. Translations of work previously published in other languages are not accepted. The journal does not reprint previously published work, though articles may include up to 30 percent of already published material, with proper reference. Occasionally, the journal prints translations of old materials (such as an essay published in Yiddish in 1918) if they are discussed in new original essays in the same issue of the journal.

On arrival, each submission is assigned by the Managing Editor to a member of the Editorial Board for in-house review. This member becomes “the sponsor” of the paper. The sponsor recommends to either reject the paper outright, or to ask the author to revise and resubmit, or to send the paper to external peer review. The recommendations are vetted by the Editor in Chief. If the paper is close to the sponsor’s research interests, the sponsor suggests several possible peer reviewers. Otherwise, the peer-reviewers are sought out by the Editor in Chief.

The peer-review is double-blind. Two external reviewers assess each submission except for invited papers, which are sent only to one external reviewer. In the case of guest-edited issues or fora, half of the peer-reviewing is done by the guest editors, but the journal sends the (revised) papers out to one more peer-reviewer of its own choice. The criteria for review are appropriateness to the journal’s niche, original thought/original contribution to research in the field, competence regarding previous research in the field, and clarity. The authors may be asked to revise the papers either after preliminary in-house review or after external peer-review or both times. The revised papers are usually evaluated in-house; external reviewers are sought in cases of hesitation. Unless the author takes a long time to revise, the whole process takes about four months, though sometimes there are delays, which we are trying to eliminate. 

Informal pieces, including occasional obituary-type essays and guest-editors’ introductions to fora, are evaluated in-house (by several people) or with the help of one external reviewer. Book reviews are evaluated in-house only.


Leona Toker, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Assistant Editor

Ruben Borg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Associate Editors

Galia Benziman, The Open University, Israel
Zoe Beenstock, Haifa University
Daniel Chertoff, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Noa Erez, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nir Evron, Tel Aviv University
Chaya Fischer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
David Hadar, Freie Universität of Berlin
Yara Ibrahim, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Hannah Landes, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Yael Shapira, Bar-Ilan University
Jonathan Stavsky, Tel Aviv University
David Stromberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Edward Waysband, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Caen
Reuben Weiss, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jessie Zimble, Bar-Ilan University

Managing Editor

Tali Banin, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

International Advisory Board

Shuli Barzilai, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Murray Baumgarten, University of California, Santa Cruz
Ivan Callus, University of Malta
Ortwin de Graef, University of Leuven
Cora Diamond, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Amir Eshel, Stanford University
Regenia Gagnier, University of Exeter
Ruth Ginsburg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jane Grayson, University College, London
Bernard Harrison, University of Sussex, University of Utah
Geoffrey Hartman, Yale University
D. Barton Johnson, University of California, Santa Barbara
John Jordan, University of California, Santa Cruz
Renate Lachmann, University of Konstanz
Zephyra Porat, Tel Aviv University
Christine Raguet, Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III)
Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Betty Rojtman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Alvin Rosenfeld, Indiana University, Bloomington
Tony Simoes da Silva, University of Wollongong, Australia
Pekka Tammi, University of Tampere, Finland
Roman Timenchik, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Lorraine Weir, University of British Columbia
Shira Wolosky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Books for review should be sent to Partial Answers c/o Department of English, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.

Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.

Abstracting & Indexing Databases

  • Clarivate Analytics
    • Arts & Humanities Citation Index
    • Current Contents
    • Web of Science
  • EBSCOhost
    • Current Abstracts, 1/1/2007-
    • Humanities International Complete, 1/1/2007-
    • Humanities International Index, 1/1/2007-
    • Humanities Source, 1/1/2007-
    • Humanities Source Ultimate, 1/1/2007-
    • Literary Reference Center, 1/1/2007-
    • Literary Reference Center Plus, 1/1/2007-
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 1/1/2007-
  • Elsevier BV
    • Scopus, 2003-
  • Gale
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
  • OCLC
    • ArticleFirst, vol.5, no.1, 2007-vol.9, no.2, 2011
    • Electronic Collections Online, vol.5, no.1, 2007-vol.9, no.2, 2011
    • Periodical Abstracts, v.6, n.1, 2008-v.8, n.2, 2010
  • ProQuest
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • Professional ProQuest Central, 01/01/2008-
    • ProQuest 5000, 01/01/2008-
    • ProQuest Central, 01/01/2008-
    • Research Library, 01/01/2008-

Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.

0.4 (2023)
0.3 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00026 (Eigenfactor™ Score)

Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.

© Clarivate Analytics 2024

Published twice a year

Readers include: Literature scholars, teachers and students

Print circulation: 14

Print Advertising Rates

Full Page: (4.75 x 7.5") $375.00

Half Page: (4.75 x 3.5") $281.00

2 Page Spread $563.00

Print Advertising Deadlines

January Issue - November 15

June Issue - April 15

Online Advertising Rates (per month)

Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $281.00

Online Advertising Deadline

Online advertising reservations are placed on a month-to-month basis.

All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.

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