To view the most recent Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics Author Guidelines, please visit their website at: http://nibjournal.org/submit/guidelines/
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics (NIB) welcomes original qualitative research articles and case studies in bioethics. Articles should be submitted through the NIB website on the guidelines for authors page https://nibjournal.org/submit/guidelines/. Titles, abstracts, and all other published text must be written in English and submitted exclusively to NIB during the review period.
Qualitative research articles and case studies submitted to NIB are subjected to double-blind peer review by expert peer reviewers. Every research article receives a preliminary review by the co-editor in chief, James M. DuBois, DSc, Ph.D. and the associate editor for research articles, Emily Anderson, Ph.D., MPH. Case studies receive a preliminary review by the co-editor in chief, Ana Iltis, Ph.D., and associate editor for case study articles, Felicia Cohn, Ph.D. The editors assess the paper for appropriateness of topic, originality, and scholarly contribution; then decide whether to send the submission to peer review. On occasion, if an article shows great potential but is not yet suitable for outside peer review, the editors will provide preliminary feedback and ask the authors to revise their submission before deciding whether to send the article to peer review.
Our editorial board and list of peer reviewers include leading qualitative researchers. Reviewers are provided with a reviewer form, which serves to guide their critique by assessing relevant quality standards.
Within four weeks of being submitted articles are rejected or sent to peer review. When articles are sent to peer review, authors receive feedback from at least two peer reviewers and the editorial office, typically within eight weeks. All submissions sent to peer review receive useful feedback that will improve articles. Authors that are invited to revise and resubmit their articles based on reviewer and editorial feedback are given 90 days to do so. Revisions are reviewed by the editors who then render a final decision within four weeks. Articles that require major revisions may be sent back to the original peer reviewers for a second review.
Stories and commentary articles published within NIB’s Narrative Symposium section are invited and not subject to peer review.
The Johns Hopkins University Press publishes Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: A Journal of Qualitative Research (NIB) on behalf of the Foundation for Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics. The Foundation exists to foster research and education in bioethics and related fields primarily through the publication of NIB. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity (EIN 27-1069500), which welcomes gifts to support its mission. Further information about the Foundation and the Editorial Board of NIB can be found at www.nibjournal.org.
The material published in NIB is meant to foster scholarly inquiry and rich discussion of topics in bioethics, health policy, and health sociology. The views represented in the articles published in NIB do not necessarily represent the views of the NIB Editorial Board, the Foundation for Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University Press, or Johns Hopkins University. None of the material published in NIB is intended to provide advice on legal matters.
To view the most recent Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics Editorial Board, please visit their website at: http://nibjournal.org/about/people/
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
Published three times a year
Readers include: Health care providers and researchers, bioethicists, sociologists, and policy makers
Print circulation: 45
Full Page: (6.875 x 10") - $375.00
Half Page: (6.875 x 5") - $281.00
2 Page Spread - $563.00
April Issue - Issue 1 - February 15
August Issue - Issue 2 - June 15
December Issue - Issue 3 - October 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $281.00
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