TAPA (formerly Transactions of the American Philological Association) is the official research publication of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS), and seeks to reflect the range of scholarship undertaken by members of the profession. It accepts submissions that consider any aspect of the Greek and Roman worlds, their interactions with other ancient societies, and their resonances through time. TAPA is committed, in addition, to furthering discussion of urgent disciplinary questions, including issues of access, outreach and pedagogy, and invites contributions that address the role of classical studies in the modern world. Such submissions particularly complement the themed section of each number, Paragraphoi, for which the Editors may also solicit contributions on topics of current interest. The Presidential Address delivered at the previous SCS annual meeting is a regular feature.
Submissions to TAPA are evaluated primarily on criteria of originality and significance. Originality is understood as an article’s distinctive contribution to scholarship, which entails both thorough consideration of existing research and a clearly defined and novel perspective, which is argued persuasively enough to influence future discussions of the topic. Significance is understood in relation to the interests and research of Society members; articles should be written in ways that can address the membership broadly (including those whose specialties lie elsewhere), and, however technical their focus, make claims that resonate beyond the particular objects under discussion. While specialized research is the necessary condition for making an original argument, this research must be framed by an understanding of the stakes of the argument for it to have the broad significance that TAPA seeks. There is no fixed minimum or maximum length to articles, but submissions are expected to justify their length by the substance of their contribution. TAPA does not publish brief notes on technical points (e.g., a single emendation).
The language of publication is English. It is the policy of TAPA not to consider work that has been published in whole or part previously or is being evaluated for publication in another venue; furthermore, while a paper is being considered for TAPA, authors may not submit it elsewhere. In submitting to TAPA, authors agree to be bound by this policy.
Submissions will first be reviewed by the Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors, who evaluate for suitability for TAPA and readiness for the peer review process (in this initial review, the author’s identity is known). Articles rejected at this stage will be accompanied by a concise explanation of the reasons. Some articles will be referred back to the author for corrections or further work, without prejudice in case of resubmission. This initial review generally takes around two weeks, though can require longer in periods of heavy submission volume. Submissions chosen for double-blind peer review will then be sent to expert reviewers in the field, and authors will receive a note confirming this and estimating the length of the review process.
The peer review process begins with the Editors-in-Chief contacting potential reviewers on behalf of the journal, sharing the article abstract. Once two reviewers have agreed, assessments are expected back within eight weeks (though reviewers sometimes require longer). The Editors then review the piece and consider both assessments together to make one of three judgments: 1.) accept provisionally, in which case the author is requested to take account of the reviews and submit a revised version for final approval by the Editors-in-Chief; 2.) revise and resubmit, in which case the author is allowed the opportunity to revise the piece in accordance with reviewer suggestions within an agreed time frame (usually six months); resubmitted manuscripts are generally returned to the one or both of the initial reviewers for assessment (though in some cases a new reader is brought in), but there is no guarantee of eventual publication; 3.) rejection, in which case the author receives the reviews that led to the decision. There is also the possibility that the Editors would request a third review, in which case the author would be notified of this step.
From submission, the review process generally takes around twelve to sixteen weeks, and the Editors aim to notify authors in cases where it is taking longer (such as when a third review is solicited).
When preparing the manuscript, authors are requested to adhere closely to the Style Sheet for Authors. Drafts submitted for external review must be in finished form, with citations and references fully supplied and checked for accuracy. Text should have been proofread for typos and grammar and spelling errors. Submissions with large gaps in annotations or exhibiting a significant lack of proofreading will be returned to the author.
Authors are invited to view the Reviewer Guidelines.
Submissions are made through TAPA’s online portal. Please do NOT email submissions to the co-editors.
Questions may be directed to the editors at TAPA@princeton.edu.
TAPA is committed to advancing the SCS goals of equity, diversity, and inclusion through policies and structures that support inclusive participation. We seek to increase diversity among editors, reviewers, and authors, and aim in our review process for maximum transparency and generosity. We actively seek out new voices in the field and particularly invite submissions from younger scholars and those of minoritized identities. Finally, we aim to advance our goals through discussion and dissemination of research on equitable publishing practices among our Board, and through reflection on implicit bias and structural inequities in the discipline. This policy will be discussed and revised regularly, and we welcome constructive feedback from the community.
To assess its own progress, TAPA collects demographic data from authors upon submission. Submission of demographic data is strictly optional and has no bearing on decisions concerning publication. This data is collected anonymously and only made available to editors in the aggregate; it is shared with the Board and with the SCS division of Publication and Research.
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Patrice Rankine and Sasha-Mae Eccleston will serve as guest editors of a future issue of TAPA with the theme of race, racism, and Classics (issue 153:1, to appear April 2023). Covid-19 and the global Movement 4 Black Lives have highlighted the extent to which racism is a public health emergency whose reach extends across the Black Atlantic and far beyond. In light of these deeply imbricated developments of 2020, this volume becomes even more timely. A detailed call for papers, along with instructions and deadlines for submission in 2021 are here.
Joshua Billings
Irene Peirano Garrison
Matthew Horrell
Neil Bernstein
Lorenzo Garcia
John Gibert
Jonathan Ready
Danielle Kellogg
Nandini Pandey
Catherine Conybeare
Lorenzo Garcia
Sarah Levin-Richardson
Devondra McMillan
Nandini Pandey
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.7 (2023)
0.7 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00067 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.
© Clarivate Analytics 2024
Published twice a year
Readers include: All members of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS)
Print circulation: 1,029
Full Page: (4.75 x 7.5") – $450.00
Half Page: (4.75 x 3.5") – $338.00
2 Page Spread – $675.00
May Issue – March 15
November Issue – September 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) – $338.00
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