1. The American Journal of Philology publishes original research in classical philology, linguistics, history, society, religion, philosophy, reception, and cultural and material studies, including interdisciplinary approaches. Articles should ordinarily run to a length of 20-30 typed pages (double spaced, in 12 font), not incl. bibliography and notes, and in the interests of conciseness, footnotes should not exceed 20% of the overall length. Anything shorter than 20 pages will not normally be considered, nor will items of narrow focus. A submission will be considered and sent out for review once the editors have confirmed that it merits fuller evaluation by two experts. If it does not meet this standard, it will be returned as quickly as possible to the author with an explanation.
2. Contributions and other editorial correspondence should be sent to:
Rosa Andújar
Editor, AJP
King’s College London
email: rosa.andujar@kcl.ac.uk
3. Please submit as an electronic file by e-mail attachment to the Editor as above. We will ask for a paper copy only if required. Make sure this is your final version, changed versions cannot be accepted later. Send a single MS Word document, with abstract, bibliography and endnotes included. Do not send as separate documents. A fully anonymized PDF may be sent in addition. When sending by e-mail, please identify by your last name and short title in the subject line. Please use a unicode font for Greek. Retain a copy of the manuscript in the exact format submitted, since editorial comments sent to authors sometimes refer to specific pages and lines in the original. All manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, with ample margins. Underline or italicize words that are to be set in italics; please be consistent. Use only double quotation marks throughout. Footnotes should be typed as endnotes in your manuscript‹double-spaced and numbered in a consecutive series (not 16, 16a, 16b). Give inclusive page numbers; do not use ff. Articles should be accompanied by a full bibliography of works cited (only), and author-date citations should be used in text where possible. Simple bibliographical references can be inserted directly into text‹³Boatwright (1991, 24) suggests...². If some discussion is required, however, the reference should be in a footnote. For Greek and Latin passages, please use a standard edition (Oxford, Teubner, Budé). Please state whose translations you are using (your own or otherwise) in an appropriately placed footnote.
4. The Journal follows a policy of blind and anonymous reviewing. Authors are asked to prepare their manuscripts so that their own identities are not revealed to editorial readers. While the manuscript is under review, we kindly ask authors to remove it from their personal online CV and/or webpage(s) to ensure that anonymity is preserved. The first two pages should be unnumbered: (1) a cover page with the title of the manuscript, the author’s name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address; and (2) an abstract of 100 or fewer words (repeat the title of the article on the abstract page to identify it). Number pages thereafter sequentially (first page of text is page 1). Authors who use a header with page numbers should use a short title (e.g., “Fasti and the Stars” - 3). Although it may seem obvious, please proofread your paper, especially the Latin and Greek passages, and make sure all references are complete before submitting it for review.
5. If you are asked to submit a revised version of your paper for a second review, please prepare a blind electronic copy as above; a letter explaining any changes and responses to the readers’ reports should also be sent.
6. Scholarship published in the Journal often requires quotations in Greek. Despite modern production methods, the printing of Greek is costly and time consuming, as compositors do not know Greek. Contributors are asked to follow these guidelines: Do not quote passages in Greek or insert Greek words unnecessarily. Please use a unicode font for Greek other than that used for the English text. Try to keep the Greek together; avoid inserting Greek words or phrases in English sentences, except when necessary to gloss. Individual Greek words, when mentioned in English sentences, may be transliterated. In such cases, either underline or italicize the word to indicate italics; be consistent.
7. It is the policy of the Johns Hopkins University Press to require the assignment of copyright to the Press of all articles and interpretations published by the American Journal of Philology. Further information about this policy can be obtained on request from the Editor.
Authors are requested to send final versions which adhere to AJP style and to the general submission guidelines in #3 above. Failure to do so may result in a delay in publication.
AJP wants to make the journal more accessible to nonspecialists and more in line with what is used in other humanities disciplines. The journal follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed.
1. Abbreviations. Refrain from scholarly abbreviations in references (op. cit., ad loc., ff.). Use short titles instead of op. cit. Do not italicize common Latin abbreviations (e.g., et al.).
2. Classical works. For abbreviations of classical works, authors, and journals, AJP prefers the Oxford Classical Dictionary (OCD). Other systems (Liddell and Scott, OLD, L'Anée Philogique) are acceptable as long as they are consistent.
3. Eras and dates. The journal prefers B.C.E., C.E., 12 December 1999.
4. Illustrations. Images may be submitted as either black and white photos or as digital files (.tiff or high quality .jpgs) at least 300 dpi. Since images take up space normally reserved for text, please keep any such materials to a minimum. The author is responsible for obtaining permissions for illustrations if necessary. Please allow plenty of time to obtain permissions. For all illustrations, please supply approximate placement by coding in arrow brackets at the appropriate point in your manuscript.
Please also supply legends if any (e.g., Figure 2. Medea knocks at the palace door).
5. Greek and Latin. Please use a unicode font for Greek other than that used for the English text. Don’t mix Greek or Latin into the syntax of an English sentence; give the original language first or after the English version. Please check all Greek and Latin quotations, especially for accents and line numbering. (It is a good idea to print out lengthy Latin or Greek passages so that you can quickly check them against proofs.) Be consistent in use of u or v in Latin. Also, be consistent in English spelling of Greek proper names throughout your article--do not use both Herakles and Hercules. Please ensure that any transliterated Greek with etas and omegas include macrons (e.g. dikē and erōs). Please code macrons in transliterated Greek: techn<mac>e</mac>. If you must use underlines in Greek for emphasis (AJP prefers this to italicized Greek), please code by using arrow brackets around Greek text <u>Greek words</u>.Use sparingly.
6. Inclusion of non-English material. All non-English material that is quoted in your article must be accompanied by an English translation.
7. Quotations. Use double quotations throughout EXCEPT when the quotation marks are located within a quote, in which case use single quotation marks, e.g.: “This line is ‘allegedly’ true.”
8. If citing or referencing notes, please ensure that they are cited in the following format: Smith 1989, 48 n. 133 and not Smith 1989, 48n133.
9. Acknowledgments. Should be in the final note, keyed to the end of text.
O’Gorman, Ellen. 1993. “No Place Like Rome: Identity and Difference in the Germania of Tacitus.” Ramus 22:135-54.
Ross, D. O., Jr. 1987. Virgil’s Elements: Physics and Poetry in the Georgics. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Edition of a classical work
Mastronarde, D. J., ed. 2002. Euripides: Medea. With intro. and comm. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (note classical work is set in italics as rest of title)
Chapter in a book
Franko, George Fredric. 2001. “Plautus and Roman New Comedy.” In Greek and Roman Comedy, ed. Shawn O’Bryhim, 147-239. Austin: University of Texas Press. (note: inclusive page numbers are given)
Fernandez-Delgado, J. A. 1982. “Sobre forma y contenido de Los trabajos y los dias.” In Estudios de forma y contenido sobre les generos literarios griegos, ed. F. R. Adrados et al., 9-29. Caceres: Universidad de Extramadura. (Et al. is used only for four or more authors.)
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Submissions to the American Journal of Philology (AJP) are expected to be original work and not to be under review elsewhere while they are being reviewed by AJP.
Submissions come to the editor alone, who looks over the mss to make sure that it conforms to AJP guidelines. If a submission is obviously—and I stress this word—out of line with these or with the standard of intellectual significance that we expect, then the editor will inform the author that the submission does not conform to our guidelines and/or that it does not meet our scholarly standards. This would be a very obvious case, however, such as an essay by a student that had not been vetted by a professional scholar, that lacked engagement with the subject literature, and so forth. If the mss were less obviously out of conformity with our guidelines, or if it did not fall egregiously short of the journal’s scholarly standards, the editor would normally consult one of the associate editors as to whether it seemed worthwhile to work with the author to bring the submission up to standards. Papers of both kinds (obviously unsuitable and arguably so) are sent back to authors without formal peer review.
The policy at AJP is that the editor knows the identity of the author, who shares this information with the associate editor who handles the logistics of the peer review process. That means that the associate editor knows the identity of the author and of the peer reviewers, while the editor knows the identity of the author but not of the peer reviewers until they file their reports, at which time the associate editor informs the editor who the peer reviewers are. We use two peer reviewers, unless their opinions are divided, in which case we go to a third. When all of the reports are gathered, the associate editor makes a judgment whether to accept the paper, reject it, or continue to work with the author by inviting him or her to revise and resubmit the paper. The associate editor writes a response to the author, sends it to the editor for discussion, and the editor has the final say on how to proceed. Generally, the editor takes the associate editor’s advice, although there is some movement between adjacent categories (mostly from revise and resubmit to reject, or vice versa). If an author agrees to revise and resubmit, further vetting might be done by the editors alone; or, one or more readers might be asked to look at the revised paper and declare whether their reservations have been adequately addressed; or one or more new readers might be recruited, especially if one or more of the original readers becomes unavailable for any reason.
Apart from format (mss should contain essays of 20–30 pp., double-spaced, 12-pt. Times or similar, 8.5 x 11 or A4 paper, plus notes and bibliography), we expect work that is sufficiently original and innovative as to make an independent contribution to the study of Greek and Roman antiquity and either to inaugurate a new discussion of some aspect of the subject or else to contribute to an existing discussion to move it forward in some important way.
Generally the author is asked to act on any specific recommendations made by the peer reviewers and on any additional recommendations made by the editors.
Normally this is in the hands of the editors. If the peer reviewers are consulted, as discussed above, then the associate editor remains involved; otherwise the editor is in charge of the mss from this point onwards.
The peer review process typically takes three or four months; though it can take longer, we work to prevent delays. Once an article is accepted, at this point it should be published within a year.
This depends on the nature of the piece. In general, it is up to the editor to decide whether to accept or commission informal pieces and whether or how to involve the associate editors and other members of the editorial board. Our preference is to be consultative, without wishing to burden the associate editors.
Rosa Andújar, King's College London
Luca Grillo, University of Notre Dame
Tom Hawkins, The Ohio State University
Sarah Olsen, Williams College
Amy Russell, Brown University
Ruby Blondell, University of Washington
Kathleen M. Coleman, Harvard University
Lillian Doherty, University of Maryland, College Park
Joseph Farrell, University of Pennsylvania
Barbara K. Gold, Hamilton College
Alexandre Grandazzi, Paris IV, Sorbonne
Emily Greenwood, Harvard University
Stephen E. Hinds, University of Washington
Irene F. de Jong, University of Amsterdam
Vered Lev Kenaan, University of Haifa
David H.J. Larmour, Texas Tech University
Paul Allen Miller, University of South Carolina
Peter J. Miller, University of Winnipeg
Sheila Murnaghan, University of Pennsylvania
Andrea Nightingale, Stanford University
Jan Opsomer, University of Leuven
Victoria Emma Pagán, University of Florida
Diana J. Spencer, University of Birmingham
Antonio Stramaglia, University of Bari
Gareth D. Williams, Columbia University
Victoria Wohl, University of Toronto
Joseph Dahm
Jeffrey Carnes
Send books for review to:
Tom Hawkins
Book Review Editor, AJP
OSU Department of Classics
414 E University Hall
230 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210
email: hawkins.312@osu.edu
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.6 (2023)
0.7 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00065 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.
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Published quarterly in March, June, September, and December.
Readers include: Philologists, linguists, scholars of classical antiquity, and university and research library patrons
Print circulation:187
Full Page: (4.75 x 7.5") – $450.00
Half Page: (4.75 x 3.5") – $338.00
2 Page Spread – $675.00
March Issue – Issue 1 – January 15
June Issue – Issue 2 – April 15
September Issue – Issue 3 – July 15
December Issue – Issue 4 – October 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) – $338.00
Online advertising reservations are placed on a month-to-month basis.
All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.
For more information on advertising or to place an ad, please visit the Advertising page.
“AJP has been a leading publication in classics for over a century. Its articles adhere to the highest standards of the discipline, and combine philological rigor with innovative approaches that reflect the breadth of classical studies today.”
—Mary Jaeger, University of Oregon
"AJP publishes both philological studies and innovative articles, presenting the field in all its variety while maintaining a very high standard. It has a proud tradition, and upholds it."
—Ruth Scodel, University of Michigan
“AJP is one of the most influential journals in our field. Under the leadership of David Larmour, the journal has maintained its long tradition of philological rigor while publishing some of the most innovative articles in the field. AJP’s wide range of topics and sophisticated critical approaches have made it an international venue for the best of contemporary classical scholarship.”
—Ellen Greene, University of Oklahoma
“That the AJP consistently publishes scholarship of the highest quality is well-known and internationally recognized. What is less commonly known (and perhaps slightly disguised by the Journal's title) is that it does so regularly (in almost every issue and in special features of great interest and importance) also in the sphere of history most broadly understood (including questions of methodology and source interpretation, the history of scholarship, and the intersection of history and literature). Historians who fail to check every issue of AJP are certain to miss articles that often qualify as 'must-reads.'”
—Kurt A. Raaflaub, Brown University
“The articles published in AJP offer an impressively wide sample of the range of topics and approaches that make modern classical studies a richly interdisciplinary and immensely varied field of scholarship. The topics range from Homer to late antiquity, and the approaches are literary, historical, anthropological/cultural, and philosophical, with the many mixtures that characterize modern humanities. Both peer review and production values are strong, so that seeking to identify one best article each year for the Gildersleeve Prize occasions keen analysis and lively discussion of several possible candidates.”
—Donald J. Mastonarde, University of California, Berkeley
“AJP has become one of the leading places for the publication of new and more theory-driven research in the field of ancient literature. Under the editorships of David Larmour and Barbara Gold, access for such studies and for comparative approaches have been increasingly promoted.”
—Therese Fuhrer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
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