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The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
All articles submitted for review to the Journal of Late Antiquity (JLA) must be original work, make a substantial contribution to the field, and engage with the relevant primary sources and modern scholarship. They must not have appeared previously in another venue, and they must not be currently under review elsewhere. All submissions should be sent directly to the editor, who assesses (if applicable, in consultation with the editorial board) whether they meet these basic criteria and conform to the stated submission guidelines. Each article that is vetted successfully then is sent to two expert readers, who are asked to submit their confidential anonymous reports to the editor within three months. JLA employs a double-blind review system, and careful measures are taken to ensure the integrity of this process from start to finish. Authors whose articles are accepted for publication typically are allotted up to three months to complete any necessary revisions before submission of the final draft. In some cases, readers may recommend that an article be accepted pending certain revisions, and in such a case an author may be given the option of revising and resubmitting, whereupon the revised draft may be sent to one or both of the original readers who will then determine whether the revision is satisfactory.
Sabine Huebner, University of Basel, Switzerland
Andrew Cain, University of Colorado (2018-2022)
Noel Lenski, Yale University (2013-2017)
Ralph Mathisen, University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign (2008-2012)
Judith Evans-Grubbs, Emory University
Dennis Trout, University of Missouri-Columbia
Irene Soto Marín, Harvard University
John Weisweiler, LMU Munich Germany
Damián Fernández, Northern Illinois University
Kimberly Bowes, University of Pennsylvania
Richard Flower, University of Exeter, England
Jean-Luc Fournet, Collège de France, Paris
Young Richard Kim, University of Illinois–Chicago
Michael Kulikowski, Pennsylvania State University
AnneMarie Luijendijk, Princeton University
Marco Maiuro, University La Sapienza, Italy
Brent Nongbri, Norwegian School of Theology
Richard Payne, University of Chicago
Caroline T. Schroeder, University of Oklahoma
Beatrice Caseau, University of Paris IV (Sorbonne), France
Malcolm Choat, Macquarie University, Australia
Jan Willem Drijvers, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Susanna Elm, University of California–Berkeley
David Hunter, Boston College
Luke Lavan, University of Kent, England
Josef Lössl, Cardiff University, Wales
Meaghan McEvoy, Australian National University, Australia
Jason Moralee, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Mark Vessey, University of British Columbia, Canada
Presses are encouraged to submit books dealing with Late Antiquity for consideration for review to any of JLA’s three Book Review Editors:
Irene Soto Marín, Harvard University
John Weisweiler, LMU Munich Germany
Damián Fernández, Northern Illinois University
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
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0.6 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
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