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Cover image of Journal of Late Antiquity
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Journal of Late Antiquity

Managing Editor:

Sabine Huebner, University of Basel, Switzerland

18 (2025)
Journal of Late Antiquity (JLA) is the award-winning first international English-language journal dedicated to the study of Late Antiquity writ large. The Journal provides a venue for multi-disciplinary coverage of all the methodological, geographical, and chronological facets of Late Antiquity. All of Late Antiquity will be represented -- from the late and post-classical world up to the Carolingian period, and including the late Roman, western European, Byzantine, Sassanid, and Islamic worlds, ca. 250-800 CE. JLA is essential, not only as a space for scholarship dealing with practical and...
Journal of Late Antiquity (JLA) is the award-winning first international English-language journal dedicated to the study of Late Antiquity writ large. The Journal provides a venue for multi-disciplinary coverage of all the methodological, geographical, and chronological facets of Late Antiquity. All of Late Antiquity will be represented -- from the late and post-classical world up to the Carolingian period, and including the late Roman, western European, Byzantine, Sassanid, and Islamic worlds, ca. 250-800 CE. JLA is essential, not only as a space for scholarship dealing with practical and theoretical issues, but, in particular, to bridge the gap between literary and material culture scholarship. One of the primary goals of the journal is to highlight the status of Late Antiquity as a discrete historical period in its own right. JLA honors include the Association of American Publishers PROSE Award for Professional and Scholarly Excellence as Best New Journal in the Social Sciences & Humanities for 2010, and Honorable Mention/Runner-Up for Best New Journal in 2009 by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ). JLA also is a two-time winner (2013 and 2019) of the Codex Award, given once per year by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals in recognition of the best journal on any subject before 1500.
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Journal Details

18 (2025)
Print: 1939-6716
Online: 1942-1273

Submission of articles

  • Submissions should be cast so as to be directly relevant to Late Antiquity. Please submit your paper in the form of an attachment in MS Word to Dr. Sabine R. Huebner For the sake of anonymity during the review process, please be sure that all identifying information is deleted from the file.
  • Your name should not appear in the title, body, or header/footer of the manuscript; cite works by yourself in the third person; do not include personal notes (acknowledgments, thanks, references to oral presentation, etc.). Please also submit a PDF of your paper if it includes non-English fonts (e.g., Greek).
  • For questions of style, punctuation, and spelling not covered in the JLA style sheet, please consult the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003), hereafter Chicago (also available in online format through most research libraries); and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed. (Springfield: Merriam-Webster, 1996), hereafter MWCD . If there are variant spellings of the same word, we prefer the first entry in MWCD.
  • Normally submissions should not exceed 10,000 words, including footnotes.

Final article preparation

A. General
  1. Once your article has been accepted, JLA requires an electronic attachment containing
  • An exact copy of the revised piece in MS Word;
  • A PDF of the revised piece (exact copy);
  • A separate file for each digital image you wish to publish (at least 300 dpi at 4 × 6 inches, TIFF format for photos, EPS or TIFF for figures;
  • Permissions to publish any copyrighted images or graphics;
  • A list of all captions in MS Word, including any necessary credits.
  1. Incorporate an abstract (no more than 200 words) into the final document, placing the abstract between the title and the text. Type the abstract in italics.
  2. If you wish, you may add a short acknowledgement as an unnumbered note before the first footnote.
  3. At the end of your text, please indicate in italics your affiliation and email address.
  4. Once an article has been typeset, the author will receive only a single set of page proofs, intended solely to catch inaccuracies or mistakes (by author or typesetter). We are not able to accommodate changes of style or content at that late stage.

Please ensure that the final version of your article is exactly as you want it to appear in print before you send it to JLA.

B. Manuscript Format
  1. Basic format: All content should be double-spaced, including block quotes, poetry, and footnotes. Leave at least 1-inch margins on all sides of the paper. If possible, use standard American page size (8.5 × 11.0 inches).
  2. Font: Use Times New Roman 12-point font throughout and do not use boldface, small caps, or superscript except for footnote references. Italics can and should be used (a) to indicate emphasis, (b) for titles of books and journals, and (c) for citations in Latin or direct quotations of foreign languages in Roman script.
  3. Subheadings: Treat all first-level subheadings as plain roman boldface type; italicize any titles or (e.g.) Latin terms that fall within the syntax of the subheading. Make second-level subheadings plain roman text, italicizing only as needed.
     <level 1>  Reading Macrobius, On the Dream of Scipio
    <level 2>  The Interpretatio Christiana Reconsidered
  4. Notes: Use footnotes (not endnotes), numbered consecutively throughout and double-spaced (see below for format).
  5. Margins: Please leave the right margin ragged; do not justify your text.
  6. Hyphenation: Do not insert hyphens manually at the end of lines in your manuscript text. Use hyphens only when they are part of the spelling of the word (e.g., sixth-century politics, an upper-class family) or between page numbers, dates, and so on. If you are uncertain whether a hyphen should be included, please consult Chicago (sections 5.91, 7.31-43, and 7.77-85) or MWCD.
  7. Block quotation: Please indent any quotations in the body of the text that are longer than three lines as a block quotation; give them a deeper indent than the rest of your text. No extra space around block quotations is necessary.
  8. Indentation: Begin paragraphs with a tab, and use only one return at the end of paragraphs. Avoid extra spacing between paragraphs.
  9. Punctuation: All punctuation should follow American English standards (consult Chicago when in doubt).
    • a. With initials/abbreviations: Leave one space after all periods in personal names; all other abbreviations with periods have no spaces. Thus: R. W. Mathisen for Ralph Whitney Mathisen, but a.m. or s.a. (for “anno mundi” and “sub anno”).
    • b. Quotation marks: All punctuation should be inside quotation marks except colons and semicolons, and (sometimes) question marks and exclamation marks. Thus “Langobards,” not “Langobards”.
    • c. Dashes: Please use a real em dash. In Microsoft Word go to the Insert menu at Symbol > Special Characters. Omit space on either side of the em dash—like this—for American style.

The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.

JLA peer review

All articles submitted for review to the Journal of Late Antiquity (JLA) must be original work, make a substantial contribution to the field, and engage with the relevant primary sources and modern scholarship. They must not have appeared previously in another venue, and they must not be currently under review elsewhere. All submissions should be sent directly to the editor, who assesses (if applicable, in consultation with the editorial board) whether they meet these basic criteria and conform to the stated submission guidelines. Each article that is vetted successfully then is sent to two expert readers, who are asked to submit their confidential anonymous reports to the editor within three months. JLA employs a double-blind review system, and careful measures are taken to ensure the integrity of this process from start to finish. Authors whose articles are accepted for publication typically are allotted up to three months to complete any necessary revisions before submission of the final draft. In some cases, readers may recommend that an article be accepted pending certain revisions, and in such a case an author may be given the option of revising and resubmitting, whereupon the revised draft may be sent to one or both of the original readers who will then determine whether the revision is satisfactory.


Sabine Huebner, University of Basel, Switzerland

Editors Emeriti

Andrew Cain, University of Colorado (2018-2022) 
Noel Lenski, Yale University (2013-2017) 
Ralph Mathisen, University of Illinois­–Urbana-Champaign (2008-2012)

Associate Editors

Judith Evans-Grubbs,  Emory University 
Dennis Trout, University of Missouri-Columbia

Book Review Editors

Irene Soto Marín, Harvard University 
John Weisweiler, LMU Munich  Germany 
Damián Fernández, Northern Illinois University

Advisory Board

Kimberly Bowes, University of Pennsylvania 
Richard Flower, University of Exeter, England 
Jean-Luc Fournet, Collège de France, Paris 
Young Richard Kim, University of Illinois–Chicago  
Michael Kulikowski, Pennsylvania State University  
AnneMarie Luijendijk, Princeton University 
Marco Maiuro, University La Sapienza, Italy
Brent Nongbri, Norwegian School of Theology  
Richard Payne, University of Chicago 
Caroline T. Schroeder, University of Oklahoma

Consulting Editors

Beatrice Caseau, University of Paris IV (Sorbonne), France 
Malcolm Choat, Macquarie University, Australia 
Jan Willem Drijvers, University of Groningen, The Netherlands  
Susanna Elm, University of California–Berkeley 
David Hunter, Boston College 
Luke Lavan, University of Kent, England 
Josef Lössl, Cardiff University, Wales 
Meaghan McEvoy, Australian National University, Australia 
Jason Moralee, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 
Mark Vessey, University of British Columbia, Canada 

Presses are encouraged to submit books dealing with Late Antiquity for consideration for review to any of JLA’s three Book Review Editors: 

Irene Soto Marín, Harvard University

John Weisweiler, LMU Munich Germany

Damián Fernández, Northern Illinois University

Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.

Abstracting & Indexing Databases

  • Clarivate Analytics
    • Web of Science
  • OCLC
    • ArticleFirst, vol.1, no.1, 2008-vol.4, no.1, 2011
    • Electronic Collections Online, vol.1, no.1, 2008-vol.4, no.1, 2011
    • Periodical Abstracts, v.1, n.1, 2008-v.3, n.1, 2010
  • ProQuest
    • Professional ProQuest Central, 04/01/2008-
    • ProQuest 5000, 04/01/2008-
    • ProQuest Central, 04/01/2008-
    • Research Library, 04/01/2008-

Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.

0.5 (2023)
0.6 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00039 (Eigenfactor™ Score)

Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.

© Clarivate Analytics 2024

Published twice a year

Readers include: Researchers interested in multi-disciplinary coverage of all the methodological, geographical, and chronological facets of Late Antiquity

Print circulation: 154

Print Advertising Rates

Full Page: (5.5 x 8") - $375.00

Half Page: (5.5 x 4") - $281.00

2 Page Spread - $563.00

Print Advertising Deadlines

March Issue - January 15

October Issue - August 15

Online Advertising Rates (per month)

Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $281.00

Online Advertising Deadline

Online advertising reservations are placed on a month-to-month basis.

All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.

General Advertising Info

For more information on advertising or to place an ad, please visit the Advertising page.  

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