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John Sotos on Mary Lincoln and Pernicious Anemia
Mary Lincoln has been a mystery for more than 150 years. Irritable as the wife of Abraham Lincoln in Illinois, erratic as First Lady, and frankly psychotic as a widow, she died at the young age of 63 after years of unusual physical symptoms and progressively...
Johns Sotos, Perspective in Biology and Medicine
Lorien Foote on the American Civil War
Between 2011 and 2015, various celebrations and commemorations took place to mark the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War. These events led to many conferences and academic discussions to take advantage of the heightened interest in the topic. Earlier...
Lorien Foote, South Central Review
David Yezzi on the Future and Past of The Hopkins Review
John Irwin, who led The Hopkins Review from its rebirth in 2008, will retire from teaching at Johns Hopkins University this spring. David Yezzi took over the reins of the journal in 2015. A well-known poet, actor and editor, Yezzi joined the Johns Hopkins...
David Yezzi, The Hopkins Review
Amy Elias and Jonathan Eburne on the Debut of ASAP/Journal
ASAP/Journal, a new journal from The Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present, debuted with the JHU Press earlier this year. The inaugural issue focused on "Art & the Commons." The journal promotes intellectual exchange between artists and critics...
Amy Elias and Jonathan Eburne, ASAP/Journal
A Closer Look at the German Studies Association
A group of scholars in the western United States got together 40 years ago to celebrate their shared interest in German studies. Now, the German Studies Association continues to grow in size and influence. An interview with GSA Executive Director David E...
A Closer Look at the German Studies Association
In Other Words: Late Imperial China
Late Imperial China co-editor Tobie Meyer-Fong discusses the journal, which is the principal journal for scholars of China's Ming and Qing dynasties. She focuses on several important articles from the recently-published Volume 32, Issue 1 on gender and medical...
In Other Words: Late Imperial China