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The History of Air Guitar, Air Bands, and Air Playing in the Twentieth Century
Philip Nel on the Effects of Displacement on Children
Robert Marzec on Climate Change and Modern Fiction
Jeri Kraver on 80 Years of The CEA Critic
Neal Baer and John Maa on Taxing Soda
Andrew Natsios on Putin's New Russia
The Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University held a September 2015 conference and subsequent talks about the New Russia of President Vladimir Putin. The journal South Central Review recently published a collection of articles from...
Neil Roberts on Trayvon Martin
In 2012, the journal Theory and Event published a symposium of essays on the killing of Florida teen Trayvon Martin earlier this year. The symposium brought together an array of contemporary theorists - Anna Marie Smith, Anne Norton, Michael Hanchard, Stephen...
Patti Duncan on Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
A team at Oregon State University took over the editorial duties for the journal Feminist Formations in 2016. Editor Patti Duncan took some time to talk with us about the journal and its innovative work in women's, gender and sexuality studies when she visited...
Adam Seipp on 1917
In March 2017, eight scholars from a variety of disciplines gathered at Texas A&M University for a two-day conference called "1917: A Global Turning Point in History and memory." The discussions and presentations were later developed into a special issue of...
Julia Hejduk on 50 Years of the "Harvard School"
The first issue of Classical World's 111th volume takes a wide-ranging look at the 50th anniversary of the so-called "Harvard School" of Vergilian interpretation. Guest editor Julia Hejduk of Baylor University joins us to talk about the importance of the 22...
Martin Lohrmann on the History of the Lutheran Church
To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation on Oct. 31, 2017, the journal Lutheran Quarterly has created a virtual timeline at timeline.press.jhu.edu/lut_reformation/. The site highlights seminal works from the journal’s pages on...
Julie Pfeiffer on Children's Literature Trends
After several years away, Julie Pfeiffer has returned to serve as editor of the annual journal Children's Literature. She joined us to talk about trends in the field and what to expect over the next few years from the journal.
Douglas Lanier on Shakespeare and New Media
Earlier this year, Shakespeare Quarterly took an important step and launched a brand-new website to showcase content from the journal as well as innovative Shakesperean scholarship outside the traditional print product. The launch of the site coincided with a...
Laura Leibman on Objects Embodying Jewish American Life
For a short time, Fisher Price made a set of Little People toys to help celebrate Hannukah. You can only find the set on the collectible market these days, but the figurines served as an easy starting point for Lauren leibman's introduction to a recent special...
Ian Gadd on 25 Years of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing
Ian Gadd, the president of The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, joins us to talk about the upcoming 25th anniversary conference. Scholars from around the globe will meet in Victoria, British Columbia, starting June 9 for the...