Williamjames Hull Hoffer
Paul R. Josephson
Clay McShane and Joel A. Tarr
Thomas Vennum
edited by Nathaniel C. Comfortforeword by Daniel J. KevlesEssays by Nathaniel C. Comfort, Michael Ruse, Scott F. Gilbert, Edward J. Larson, Jane Maienschein, Robert Maxwell Young
Sarah W. Tracy
Bryan Waterman
Kathleen S. Sullivan
Wendy Gamber
James L. Baughman
Liette Gidlow
edited by Charles E. Beveridge, Carolyn F. Hoffman, and Kenneth Hawkins. Tina Hummel, Assistant Editor
Pap A. Ndiayetranslated by Elborg Forster
David R. Meyer
edited by József Illy
Barron H. Lerner
Frederick Gutheim and Antoinette J. Leeforeword by Laura Bush, First Lady of the United States
Owsei Temkin
H. L. Mencken (selected, revised, and annotated by the author)edited and with an introduction by Terry Teachout
Stephen B. Johnson
with Hopkins Press Books