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Asian Perspective

Editor-in-Chief :

Ho-fung Hung, Johns Hopkins University

49 (2025)
Asian Perspective applies an Asian lens to world and comparative politics. With its vital contemporary focus, it probes the regional, international, and transnational issues that affect Asia today. Asian Perspective is peer-reviewed and publishes quarterly. It is produced with the Institute for Far Eastern Studies at Kyungnam University. Now in its fourth decade, the journal welcomes interdisciplinary research and is committed to promoting a lively exchange of ideas between scholars and policymakers.
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The editors welcome manuscripts bearing upon issues in the social sciences in general and particularly world/comparative politics and Asia's regional affairs. Contributors should submit manuscripts to
Inquiries may also be directed to the Editor-in-Chief or Managing Editor. Prospective contributors based in North and Latin America and Europe are kindly requested to contact Dr. Ho-fung Hung; all others should contact Dr. Dean Ouellette.
Managing Editor: Dean Ouellette, IFES: The Institute for Far Eastern StudiesKyungnam University, 28-42 Samchung-dong, Chongro-ku, Seoul, Korea, 
Editor-in-Chief: Ho-fung Hung, Johns Hopkins SAIS, 1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW, R 609, Washington DC, U.S.A.,

Submission Details

  1. Note that we conform to Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and The Chicago Manual of Style on matters of spelling, abbreviation, punctuation, etc. When you use an acronym or abbreviation in the manuscript, please spell it out in full the first time. Text should be double-spaced, using MS-Word. It should be accompanied by a list of references at the end. Tables and figures, if any, should be submitted in separate files. The length of the entire manuscript should be around 30 pages (A4; 8,000 words max.). Please include an abstract of about 10 lines at the beginning of the article with a short list of keywords. Write the abstract in direct, vigorous prose. Use the author's active voice. Do not resort to third-person descriptions of the article's content. Preferably, all information should be sent in electronic format via e-mail attachment.
  2. Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the owners of copyrights when reproducing material that has been published elsewhere. Submissions selected by the editorial committee are peer reviewed (2 to 3 reviewers).
  3. Use author-date text citations (Smith 1990, 21–22) with a complete reference list. Endnotes should be used sparingly for explanatory text only. Number endnotes consecutively to show their location in the text, and list them (double-spaced) at the end of the text. Author-date text citations should be used in the endnotes, as well. Submissions should be prepared to adhere to the following reference formats:
    • References:
      1. Book
        Smith, John. 1998. China's Revolution: Rise and Fall. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

        Shambaugh, David, and Michael Yahuda, eds. 2008. International Relations of Asia. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
      2. Article
        Shen, Dingli. “Building China-India Reconciliation.” Asian Perspective, vol. 34, no. 4 (Winter), pp. 139–163.

        Blanchard, Jean-Marc F., and Fujia Lu. 2012. “Thinking Hard About Soft Power: A Review and Critique of the Literature on China and Soft Power.” Asian Perspective, vol. 36, no. 4 (October–December), pp. 565–589.
      3. Collection
        Goldstein, Avery. 2008. “Power Transitions, Institutions, and China’s Rise in East Asia: Theoretical Expectations and Evidence.” In G. John Ikenberry and Chung-in Moon, eds., The United States and Northeast Asia. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 39–78.
        Choi, Bong Dae, and Kab Woo Koo. 2009. "The Development of Farmers’ Markets in North Korean Cities.” In Phillip H. Park, ed., The Dynamics of Change in North Korea: An Institutionalist Perspective. Seoul: IFES, Kyungnam University Press, pp. 75–134.
      4. Newspaper
        Print edition: Crow, Stanley Crow. 2001. "US-Korea Relations Strained." New York Times, July 30, p. 2.

        Online edition: Sanger, David E. 2010. “North Korea Keeps the World Guessing.” New York Times, November 29.

        No author: Bloomberg. 2019. “Kissinger Says US and China in ‘Foothills of a Cold War’.” November 21.
      5. Dissertation: King, Andrew J. 1976. "Law and Land Use in Chicago: A Pre-history of Modern Zoning." PhD diss., University of Wisconsin.
      6. Online – Website: Anderson, Benedict. 1998. "From Miracle to Clash." London Review of Books, vol. 20, no. 8.

        Online – PDF: White House. 2017. “National Security Strategy of the United States of America.”  Washington, DC, December.

        Online – Blog: In the Human Interest. 2020. “Saving Democracy.” Post #275, September 24.
    • References, appended to the end of articles, should list all cited sources in alphabetical order.
    • The use of "et al." is not accepted in first appearance of a reference: list the names of all authors using full names.
    • Note numbers should generally appear at the end of the sentence rather than in the middle.
  4. For illustrations in the form of photographs, one soft copy (i.e., electronic copy in jpeg format) should be sent via e-mail as a separate attachment. For conventional photographs, three copies of each, unmounted, on glossy paper should be provided. For illustrations in the form of diagrams, one soft copy (i.e., electronic copy in jpeg format) should be provided as a separate attachment; for hard copy formats, three copies of each (or one original plus two photocopies) should be provided. The lettering and symbols should be of comparable size. Illustrations should not be inserted in the text and each one should be marked on the back with a figure number, title of the paper, and name of the author. All photographs, graphs, and diagrams should be referred to as figures and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
  5. The editor will accept only those tables that are essential. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the text with Arabic numerals and typed on a separate sheet.
  6. Avoid use of bullets or numbering of points in the text.
  7. Authors must also include a brief biographical sketch, plus a recent CV with mailing and e-mail contact information. Preferably, all information should be sent via e-mail attachment.
  8. Proofs will not be sent to the author. One copy of the issue will be sent to the author free of charge. If more copies of the issue are desired, the author should write to IFES at the address above.

Review Procedures for Submitted Manuscripts

Manuscripts are accepted on a year‐round basis. Those manuscripts submitted to other bodies or institutions will be excluded from review procedures.

Upon receiving the manuscript, members of the Editorial Committee will assess the compatibility of the manuscript’s topic and the general editing direction of Asian Perspective, determine the manuscript’s adherence to publishing guidelines, and deliver a preliminary evaluation (approx. 2 – 4 weeks) on the manuscript. Those manuscripts receiving an unfavorable preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Committee may be rejected without further examination.

Manuscripts that pass preliminary examination will be reviewed by two selected reviewers (i.e., double‐blind review). (In some cases, a third qualified reviewer may be selected.) From this stage, the review process can take from 12 to 16 weeks.

Manuscripts that pass the review are cross‐reviewed by IFES, Kyungnam University. The Editorial Committee will make a final publication decision on submitted manuscripts.

Reviewers must follow the criteria below when examining a submitted manuscript and relay his/her decision to the Editorial Committee (Editor‐in‐Chief or Managing Editor): 1) structure of article, 2) effective use of literature/theoretical contribution, 3) data collection, 4) balance of argument, 5) creativity, 6) policy relevance, and 7) clarity.

Manuscripts submitted to Asian Perspective must follow the journal’s Manuscript Submission Guidelines. In cases where the guidelines have not been followed, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to request conformity to the guidelines by the submitter.

Regulations on Research and Publication Ethics*

[Article 1] Purpose (hereinafter in the same style)

  • These regulations pertain to manuscripts submitted to and published in Asian Perspective, the international journal published by the Institute for Far Eastern Studies (hereinafter IFES), Kyungnam University, for the purpose of preventing academic misconduct and upholding the basic principles of research ethics.

[Article 2] Academic misconduct

  • The following refers to academic misconduct (hereinafter, "misconduct") concerning duplicate publication and manuscripts containing forgery, falsification, plagiarism, inaccurate ascription of authorship, etc.:
    1. Duplicate publication: publication of past work, in whole or in part, without proper indication 
    2. Forgery: use of non-existent data or creation of false results 
    3. Falsification: arbitrary manipulation of research data or skewing of research results 
    4. Plagiarism: use of other's ideas, logic, terminology, data sources, and analysis without indicating sources in an appropriate way 
    5. Inaccurate ascription of authorship: refusal to ascribe for no good reason authorship to someone who has contributed to the contents or research results of the manuscript, or ascription of authorship to someone who has not made a legitimate contribution to the manuscript

[Article 3] Informant

  • Concerning the actual misconduct and relevant evidence or informing of the misconduct to the editorial committee:

    Section 1 - The notifying of misconduct can come in the form of oral, written, telephone, email, etc. or other possible methods and will be handled discreetly. However, even if made in writing or email anonymously, in accordance with the reported case, specific details and evidence of the misconduct will be processed.

    Section 2 - The identity of the whistleblower is not subject to disclosure. Regardless of the substance of the allegation of misconduct, to protect the whistleblower, his/her identity shall not be included in the report.

[Article 4] Examinee

  • Concerning the editorial committee’s investigation or the examinee of the misconduct, allegation of misconduct will not be disclosed before a judgment is conclusive.

[Article 5] Verification

  • Responsibility to prove the facts of the misconduct is that of the editorial committee.

    Section 1 - The editorial committee guarantees the equal rights and opportunity for the whistleblower and examinee to state their opinions and appeal.
    Section 2 - The target of verification of misconduct is papers published in the journal within a period of three years and papers under review.
    Section 3 - Misconduct is to be determined in the process of the verification, preliminary investigation, and main investigation.

[Article 6] Preliminary investigation

  • The preliminary investigation shall proceed within 30 days of receipt of the complaint of suspicion of misconduct.

    Section 1 - A decision can be made by the Editor-in-Chief without going through the entire process of the main investigation if the misconduct is recognized in the preliminary findings and by the examinee.
    Section 2 - In the event it is decided that a preliminary investigation not be conducted, specific reasons for such decision must be notified in writing within 14 days of submission of a complaint; however, in the event of an anonymous tip, this will not apply.

[Article 7] Main investigation

  • Concerning the procedure of the main investigation of the facts of the misconduct, and proceeding investigation committee:

    Section 1 - The investigation committee shall be comprised of the Editor-in-Chief or Managing Editor and four (4) members designated from the Editorial Committee. However, other relevant outside experts can be appointed depending on the research topic.
    Section 2 - The investigation committee shall provide the informant and the examinee the opportunity to state their case before results of the main investigation are given. In the event that the parties have an objection, the opportunity to appeal shall be considered.
    Section 3 - For the investigation committee to reach a "yes" or "no" outcome, the decision must be approved by a two-thirds majority.
    *Section 4 -To help identify cases of misconduct, the submitted/published manuscript being investigated shall have its contents screened by a screening service to determine their originality.

[Article 8] Judgment

  • Upon confirmation of the results of the main examination, the whistleblower and examinee will be informed of the proceedings.

[Article 9] Follow-up action

  • Concerning the procedure following a judgment of misconduct:

    Section 1 - The guilty party shall be prohibited from making a contribution to the journal for three years beginning from the date of the final judgment.
    Section 2 - The relevant manuscript shall be removed from the Internet.
    Section 3 - Disclosure of the judgment shall be made on the IFES website and in the subsequent issue of the journal Asian Perspective.

[Article 10] Revision of the regulations

  • Amendment of these regulations require the initiative of the Managing Editor and one third or more of the Editorial Committee, with two thirds of the Editorial Advisory Board in favor of the amendment.

    These regulations shall come into force on 1 October 2009.

*Amended on 1 May 2014.

Publication, Copyright, and Open Access Options

Authors publishing in Asian Perspective (the Journal) will be asked to sign a Publishing Agreement form. In signing the form, it is assumed that the author(s) has full power to make a publishing agreement for the article, is the sole author(s) of the article; has not previously published, or agreed to publish, the article in whole or in part elsewhere, except as the author has informed the publisher in writing; has used all reasonable care to ensure that all facts and statements in the article are true; and that the article is not defamatory or in violation of any right of privacy, common law, statutory copyright, or other personal or property rights. All authors must read and agree to the conditions outlined in the form, and must sign the form. Articles cannot be published until a signed form has been received by the Journal’s editorial office and the Journal’s publisher.

Should the publisher decide to publish an article in the Journal, the author(s) of the article must grant and transfer exclusively to the publisher all rights of whatever kind to the article, including but not limited to copyright, during the full term of copyright in the United States of America and elsewhere. The publisher will register copyright to the journal issue in which the article appears.

Rights of the Author: The author has the following nonexclusive rights: (1) to use the article in his/her own teaching activities; (2) to publish the article, or permit its publication, as a part of any book he/she may write or edit; (3) to include the article in his/her own personal or departmental institutional database or online site; (4) to include the article in his/her institutional repository provided the repository is institution specific and not a discipline-based database that accepts contributions from outside the institution; (5) to include the article, if required by law, in an open access archive. All online posting uses (3, 4, 5) are granted for the final manuscript version of the article only, not the final published version in any format, including PDF. For all rights granted in this paragraph the author agrees to credit the publisher and the copyright holder as specifically instructed in the publishing agreement form.

Open Access (OA): Authors may choose to publish under open access terms made available via the journals division of our publisher, Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP). For further information about OA options, visit

The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.

Peer Review Policy

Asian Perspective welcomes manuscripts bearing upon issues in the social sciences in general and particularly world/comparative politics and Asia’s political economy and regional affairs. Information should be sent in electronic format via e-mail attachment. Manuscripts are accepted on a year‐round basis. Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the owners of copyrights when reproducing material that has been published elsewhere.

Upon receiving the manuscript, members of the Editorial Committee will assess the compatibility of the manuscript’s topic and the general editing direction of Asian Perspective, determine the manuscript’s adherence to publishing guidelines, and deliver a preliminary evaluation (approx. 2–3 weeks) on the manuscript. Those manuscripts receiving an unfavorable preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Committee may be rejected without further examination.

Manuscripts that pass preliminary examination will be reviewed by two selected reviewers (i.e., double‐blind review). (Note: In some cases, a third qualified reviewer may be selected.) From this stage, the review process can take from 12 to 16 weeks. Paper reviewers will submit their reviews to the Editorial Committee. Reviewers will make their determination as to whether or not the manuscript is ready for publication based on the follow criteria: 1) structure of article; 2) effective use of literature and theoretical contribution; 3) data collection and balance of argument; 4) creativity; and 5) clarity. Authors will receive the results of these reviews from a member of the Editorial Committee with instructions for next steps.

Manuscripts submitted to Asian Perspective must also follow the journal’s Manuscript Submission Guidelines. In cases where the guidelines have not been followed, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to request conformity to the guidelines by the submitter. The Editorial Committee holds the right to request changes beyond those included in the peer review to both substance and structure prior to publication and to make a final publication decision on submitted manuscripts.


Ho-fung Hung, Johns Hopkins University


Melvin Gurtov, Portland State University


Dean J. Ouellette, Kyungnam University, Korea


Naomi Garcia, St. Mary’s College of Maryland


Nathalie Abigail Budiman, Johns Hopkins University 
Spencer Steinbach, University of North Korean Studies

Abstracting & Indexing Databases

  • Association for Asian Studies
    • Bibliography of Asian Studies (Online), 1977-1997
  • Clarivate Analytics
    • Web of Science
  • EBSCOhost
    • Current Abstracts, 1/1/2003-
    • International Political Science Abstracts Database
    • Political Science Complete, 1/1/2003-
    • Public Affairs Index, 4/1/2003-
    • Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
    • SocINDEX, 1/1/2003-
    • SocINDEX with Full Text, 1/1/2003-
    • TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 1/1/2003-
  • Elsevier BV
    • Scopus, 2005-, 1974
  • Gale
    • Book Review Index Plus
    • Gale Academic OneFile, 03/2011-
    • Gale in Context: Global Issues, 03/2011-
    • Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies
    • InfoTrac Custom, 3/2011-
  • K I T L V Press
    • EI (Online) (Excerpta Indonesica)
  • Military Policy Research Ltd.
    • Lancaster Index to Defence & International Security Literature
  • National Library of Medicine
    • PubMed
  • OCLC
    • ArticleFirst, vol.29, 2005-vol.35, no.4, 2011
    • Sociological Abstracts (Online), Core
  • Ovid
    • International Political Science Abstracts Database
  • Periodica Islamica, 1992-
  • ProQuest
    • ABI/INFORM Collection, 1/1/2007-
    • ABI/INFORM Global (American Business Information), 1/1/2007-
    • Business Premium Collection, 01/01/2007-
    • East & South Asia Database, 01/01/2007-
    • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Core
    • PAIS Index (Public Affairs Information Service), Selective
    • Periodicals Index Online
    • Political Science Database, 01/01/2007-
    • Politics Collection, 1/1/2007-
    • Professional ABI/INFORM Complete, 01/01/2007-
    • Professional ProQuest Central, 01/01/2007-
    • ProQuest 5000, 01/01/2007-
    • ProQuest 5000 International, 01/01/2007-
    • ProQuest Central, 01/01/2007-
    • Research Library, 01/01/2007-
    • Social Science Database, 1/1/2007-
    • Social Science Premium Collection, 01/01/2007-
    • Social Services Abstracts, Selective
    • Sociological Abstracts (Online), Core
    • Sociology Collection, 1/1/2007-
    • Sociology Database, 01/01/2007-
    • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Core
  • Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia
    • Asian-Pacific Economic Literature (Online)

Abstracting & Indexing Sources

  • Ekistic Index of Periodicals   (Active)  (Print)

Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.

1.3 (2023)
1.1 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00063 (Eigenfactor™ Score)

Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
101 of 1065 journals, in “International Relations”

© Clarivate Analytics 2024

Published four times a year in Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall

Print circulation: 74

Print Advertising Rates

Full Page: (4.75 x 7.5") - $375.00

Half Page: (4.75 x 3.5") - $281.00

2 Page Spread - $563.00

Print Advertising Deadlines

March Issue - January 15

June Issue - April 15

September Issue - July 15

December Issue - October 15

Online Advertising Deadline

Online advertising reservations are placed on a month-to-month basis.

All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.

Online Advertising Rates (per month)

Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $281.00

Online Advertising Deadline

Online advertising reservations are placed on a month-to-month basis.

All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.

General Advertising Info

For more information on advertising or to place an ad, please visit the Advertising  page.  


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