
Articles in PPP are typically presented in seven types: Main Articles, Commentaries, Responses to Commentaries, Reviews, Philosophical Case Conferences, Clinical Anecdotes, and Key Concepts. PPP does not publish Letters to the Editor or book reviews. Main Articles are typically 3,000 to 7,000 words, but longer papers will be considered, provided they are appropriate to the focus of PPP and the additional length is justifiable in the view of the editors and reviewers. Special instructions for the remaining article formats follow below. Because PPP is a cross-disciplinary journal, authors should adopt a style that is user- and reader-friendly, in particular: (a) a title/subtitle that signals what the paper is about, (b) an initial abstract, (c) a succinct paragraph structure, (d) use of headings and subheadings as signposts to the discussion, and (e) a conclusion section that summarizes the main points of the paper and indicates future directions, but avoids introducing new material. Technical terms (clinical, scientific, or philosophical), should be avoided if possible. When employed, they should be clearly defined or illustrated. Authors should assume the reader's background knowledge of philosophy, psychiatry, and/or psychology to be comparable to that of a well-educated college graduate or equivalent degree.
Manuscripts are accepted on the understanding that they are original and not under simultaneous consideration by any other publisher. Publication is entirely at the discretion of the Editors, and all manuscripts are subject to expert refereeing on an anonymous basis. The Johns Hopkins University Press requires the assignment of copyright to the Press on acceptance of the paper for publication. Authors must obtain any necessary permissions for extensive quotations, tables, illustrations, or any other copyrighted material before a paper can be entered into the publication queue. Occasionally PPP will consider English translations of classic papers in the interdiscipline. Authors considering an English translation of a relevant work should contact the Editor-In-Chief in advance. For translations, authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions from the holder(s).
Properly formatted manuscripts are a requirement for editorial consideration, and improperly formatted manuscripts will be returned to the author(s), and may be rejected for future consideration. Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout with generous (1 inch) margins, printed on one side only. Placement of page numbers should be bottom center, with the abstract page as page 1. Please number all pages sequentially. Prepare your manuscript in a plain fashion-avoid righthand flush margins and word-processing codes. Use a Times, Helvetica, or Courier typeface or font. Font sizes should be uniform throughout, and preferably in 12 point size. Do not use word-processing style sheets, varying font sizes, underlining of headings, drop caps, color, etc. Do not submit manuscripts with coding from bibliographic software like EndNote and Reference Manager. If you use these systems for your references, save a version of your manuscript without this coding and submit this version for publication. PPP uses the APA reference style. All characters to appear in the journal article proper should be visible in the manuscript. Format your manuscript to fit either U.S. 8.5 x 11 inch paper, or UK A4 size paper. The entire manuscript should be double-spaced. Indent new paragraphs rather than putting extra line space between them, and differentiate major and minor headings. Use boldface for major headings and boldface italic for subheadings. Any illustrations, figures, or tables should be on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript but keyed in the text. All graphic material should be in black and white only - no color figures. Use American spellings. Footnotes are not permitted. Endnotes are permissible but should be kept to a minimum, preferably none but no more than 5-8. Endnotes and references should go at the end of the paper, doublespaced. An alphabetized reference list should follow the main text and be limited to 40 entries, except for review articles, which should be restricted to a maximum of 75 references. References for commentaries or responses to commentaries are restricted to 12 in number. The alphabetized reference list should be titled "References" and entries should follow the format described in the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (e.g., “APA reference style”). Assistance with APA reference formatting can be accessed online here: https://apastyle.apa.org/index Examples of the APA reference style format include:
Aristotle. (1984). Nicomachean ethics (W.D. Ross & J.O. Urmson, Trans.), in J. Barnes (Ed.) The complete works of Aristotle: The revised Oxford translation. (pp. 1729-1867). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Curran, H.C., D’Souza, D.C., Robbins, T.W., & Fletcher, P. (2009). Modelling psychosis. Psychopharmacology 206, 513-514. doi: 10.1007/s00213-009-1663-8 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 509 U.S. 579 (1993).
Jackson, M., & Fulford, K. W. M. (1997). Spiritual experience and psychopathology. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 4, 87–89.
Koenig, H. G. (Ed). (1998). Handbook of religion and mental health. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Piaget, J. (1937/1954). The construction of reality in the child (M. Cook, Trans.). New York: Basic Books.
Sadler, J. Z. (2008). Vice and the diagnostic classification of mental disorders: a philosophical case conference. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, 15, 1-17.
Twycross, R. G. (1995). Where there is hope, there is life: A view from the hospice. In J. Keown (Ed.) Euthanasia examined (pp. 141-168.) Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
List all authors/editors (do not use et al.) up to 7. If your authors are more than seven, list the first 6 in order, followed by three periods, and then the name of the last author. Provide inclusive page numbers for both journal articles and book chapters. The author-date system of citation for references should be used in the text, followed by page number if a direct quotation is given, e.g., (Elliott, 1992, p. 142). Direct quotations which are brief, 1 - 40 words, may be set off with quotation marks in the text. For more extensive block quotations (> 40 words), set the material off as a separate indented paragraph, followed by the author-date and page number citation information in parenthesis at the end of the quoted passage. If the same authors are cited with multiple publications in the same year, append the date with letters in the order of citation in the manuscript, e.g., Elliott 1992a, 1992b, followed by the same specification and order in the reference list. Note that names of journals or periodicals are not abbreviated and instead spelled out fully.
PPP encourages the inclusion of clinical case material in submitted articles. However, authors should take care to assure that case material is absolutely anonymous and non-identifiable. In principle, the individual whose case is being adapted should not be able to recognize him- or herself in reading the article. The editors welcome dialogue with the author in case of doubt.
Title file: A title file with full title of the paper, your name as it should appear in print, contact information (postal address/telephone/email/ fax), best address for correspondence, and a brief biographical paragraph (no greater than 100 words) must be submitted. The manuscript title should be descriptive of the article content and not exceed 80 characters in length, including spaces. The biographical paragraph typically involves two or three sentences describing your academic affiliation(s), your scholarly interests, and a recent publication or two. Use a recent version of Microsoft Word or WordPerfect in preparing your manuscript, and also list the name and version of word-processing software used (e.g., WordPerfect 12 for Windows) and total word and character count (include notes, spaces, and references). In saving your manuscript files, use the Windows convention of a file extension to complete the filename (e.g., FulfordValues7-2016.docx).
Abstract page: The first page of the manuscript should include the title, no author information, an abstract (100–240 words)-indicating the need for the article, problem(s) to be considered and/or main argument, methodological approach, and conclusion(s)-and a list of keywords (up to 6) not mentioned in the title. The main text then follows, starting on the following page.
Commentaries and responses to commentaries: they are by editorial invitation only. However, authors interested in being PPP commentators are encouraged to contact the Editors with their interests. Commentaries and responses are typically 1000–1500 words in length. Longer commentaries must be approved by the editors in advance. Do not include an abstract with commentaries and responses. Commentaries/responses are not peer reviewed but are subject to review and approval by the editors. For manuscript titles of commentaries and responses, do not use conventions such as “Commentary On......” or “Response To.....”. Instead, give the manuscript a title reflecting the original content or ideas presented in the commentary manuscript. Otherwise, commentaries and responses follow the standard PPP publication guidelines and instructions for authors as noted above.
Review articles: Topics for review articles in PPP must be approved by the editors before submission. Review articles, including invited ones, are subject to external peer review as with Main Articles. Review articles should be focused on a topic relevant to the PPP editorial focus and formatted according to standard PPP instructions above. Titles, however, should be preceded by “Review Article:” followed by the descriptive title of the material. The editors encourage potential authors of review articles to choose a focus involving both journal articles and book-length monographs. Consultation with the editors is required to assure a similar article is not being prepared, or has not been prepared, by others. Authors interested in doing book reviews may consider doing a review article for PPP which considers multiple books together in a single topical essay. Key Concepts: Key Concepts articles are intended to educate the reader about important terms or concepts relevant to the philosophy of psychiatry and mental health. Authors should approach a Key Concepts article as they would approach the writing of an encyclopedia entry. The length should be about 3000 words, and no more than 4000 words. The Key Concepts manuscript should focus on a single concept or term and (a) provide a definition or concise discussion of the meaning of the concept or term (b) review the philosophical and clinical importance of the concept (c) sketch the most important problems and/or controversies concerning the concept (d) raise unexplored clinical or philosophical issues with the concept and (e) provide no more than ten of the most important references on the concept. Key Concepts articles are typically initiated by editorial invitation, but potential authors are encouraged to contact the editors with their ideas. Key Concepts articles are peer-reviewed. Key Concepts articles should be titled with the “Key Concepts:” prefix followed by the concept/term to be considered, as in “Key Concepts: Autonomy”. Otherwise the Key Concepts article is subject to the other PPP guidelines and instructions for authors.
Clinical Anecdotes: Clinical anecdotes are special articles which present a clinical situation that poses novel philosophical interest. A clinical anecdote submission presents a clinical narrative from a particular point of view, and poses, implicitly and explicitly, philosophical questions for the field of mental health. The clinical narrative may be written in first or third person, and while typically written from the point of view of clinicians in practice, the Editors welcome submissions from mental health service users or others interfacing with the mental health system. Clinical Anecdote submissions are typically about 3000 words in length, and should be no more than 5000 words. For a Clinical Anecdote manuscript, philosophical discussion is not only unnecessary but to be avoided. A Clinical Anecdote submission that is accepted is always followed by a series of commentaries from the philosophy/psychiatry field, with an opportunity for the Anecdote author to reply to the commentaries. Clinical Anecdote submissions should adhere to our instructions for authors, and be particularly attentive to issues of confidentiality concerning the clinical subject(s). Authors interested in submitting a Clinical Anecdote are recommended, but not required, to discuss with the Editors in advance.
Philosophical case conference: A philosophical case conference article is a type of article that is followed by invited commentaries, as with Clinical Anecdotes above. However, the focus of the philosophical case conference article is the presentation of a novel conceptual or philosophical issue that spans the domain of interest of philosophy and mental health. The philosophical case conference article poses a related series of novel philosophical questions to the field. Some preliminary review of the literature is recommended, and some preliminary analysis of the philosophical issues is necessary to frame the philosophical issues for clarity and to stimulate creative thinking. If accepted, a philosophical case conference manuscript will then be read by a series of commentators, with the option of the original author to reply to the collected commentaries. The philosophical case conference article can be written under the guidelines of a main article for PPP, but typically their length is smaller than 5000 words. Authors interested in submitting a Philosophical Case Conference article are recommended, but not required, to discuss with the Editors in advance.
Submissions are accepted in electronic word-processing file formats via electronic online submission in the ScholarOne system (see below). Manuscript files should be prepared using a recent version of Word Perfect or Microsoft Word software. We prefer the Rich Text Format (*.rtf) file format, and users of Apple/Mac OS operating systems should take care to add file extensions to their Microsoft Word file names, so the files can be easily opened in a Windows environment. Please scan your files for viruses with updated antivirus software before submitting online. Please make sure the electronic version is your final updated version. For electronic files, please give the manuscript a file name according to the convention [author last name]-[keyword] [month-year] followed by the apropos Windows file extension. Examples of acceptable electronic file names include: smith-reality7-04.rtf or akeba-consciousness9-03.wpd or martinez-boundaries4-05.doc. Articles that are accepted for publication cannot be placed into the print queue until a completed Johns Hopkins University Press Publication Agreement is received by the Press. Editors will advise authors about the publication agreement at the time of an acceptance of a manuscript. This applies to all types of manuscript.
Submit your manuscript through ScholarOne at mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ppandp . Authors must follow the online instructions and be ready to submit their manuscript file which must include abstract, keywords, main text and references. Tables must be submitted in different files (one for each table). The title page is a separate document for submission into ScholarOne. ScholarOne will assemble these components into a single PDF article which is used to review (albeit blindly, without the title page). When your paper is accepted, you will be instructed by our editorial office to submit your final version of the manuscript INCLUDING a title page as described above.
For commentaries and responses, as well as all other types of manuscript, authors should also use the ScholarOne system. Commentaries and responses are by invitation only, as described above.
✓ Article type selected and formatted? (Main, Commentary, Response, Review, Philosophical Case Conference, Clinical Anecdote, Key Concepts)
Is manuscript double-spaced throughout?
Approved typefaces (fonts) (Times, Helvetica, Courier)? Are all typefaces (fonts) 12 point?
Bibliographic software coding removed?
New paragraphs indented?
Paper size correct? (8.5 x 11 inches or A4)
Boldface major headings and bold italic subheadings?
No more than 8 endnotes (and no footnotes)?
Illustrations, figures, or tables at end of manuscript and in black and white?
Alphabetized reference list at end of main text?
APA citation style (author, date) throughout?
No more than 40 references in bibliography (up to 75 for review articles)?
Reference list in APA format throughout?
Title page complete? (title, author(s), contact info, biographical paragraph, word processing program identified, total word and character count)
Abstract page complete and correct? (title, up to 6 keywords, abstract 100-240 words)
Is the manuscript compliant with instructions for your article type (line 1 above)?
Filename and Windows extension compliant (e.g. FulfordValues7-2016.docx)?
Title page saved as separate files for ScholarOne?
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology (PPP) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed international quarterly journal focusing on philosophical scholarship at the interface of philosophy and clinical mental health. Submissions are English-only and are submitted through the ScholarOne online system, and are typically reviewed within six weeks of submission. The Managing Editor and Editor-In Chief screen all submissions for goodness of fit with the Journal focus, and advise potential authors if the submission is content-inappropriate or noncompliant with the journal’s manuscript style and formatting. Submissions are evaluated using four broad criteria: relevance to the journal focus, scholarly rigor, clarity of writing, and originality of the work. PPP does not publish material published elsewhere; though on occasion, PPP will publish English translations of previously published works of historical significance, with suitable copyright permissions secured by the author and/or translator. PPP does not publish book reviews, though thematic review articles incorporating multiple scholarly works are considered. PPP does not accept simultaneous submissions to other journals. The journal also publishes editor-invited commentaries which are not peer-reviewed but receive editorial review for acceptability. The categories of editorial decisions include Acceptance, Minor Revision, Major Revision, and Rejection. Articles which are recommended for revision and resubmission should be accompanied by a cover letter summarizing the changes, and resubmissions may be reviewed at the editor’s level or sent out for an additional round of peer-review when indicated.
K. W. M. Fulford, UK—Psychiatry/Philosophy—University of Oxford
Werdie van Staden, South Africa—Psychiatry/Philosophy—University of Pretoria
Awais Aftab, USA—Psychiatry—Case Western Reserve University
Anna Bergqvist UK, Sweden—Philosophy
Mona Gupta, Canada—Psychiatry—University of Montreal
Mohammed Rashed, UK—Philosophy—King's College London
Derek Strijbos, Netherlands—Psychiatry/Philosophy
Michael Wong, Hong Kong—Psychiatry/Philosophy
Sébastien Arviset, Canada
Konrad Banicki, Poland—Psychology/Philosophy— Jagiellonian University
Derek Bolton, UK—Psychology/Philosophy—King's College London
Lisa Bortolotti, UK—Philosophy—University of Birmingham
Matthew Broome, UK—Psychiatry —University of Birmingham
Pierre-Henri' Castel, France—France—Psychiatry/psychoanalysis—CERMES3/CESAMES
Ruth Chadwick, UK—Philosophy—Cardiff University
Jorge Dávila-González, Colombia—Psychiatry/Philosophy
Sanneke de Haan, Netherlands—Philosophy—Utrecht University
Carl Elliott, USA—Philosophy/Medicine—University of Minnesota
Anthony Fernandez, Denmark—Philosophy—University of Southern Denmark
Thomas Fuchs, Germany—Psychiatry/Psychology —University of Heidelberg
Philip Gerrans, Australia—Philosophy—University of Adelaide
S. Nassir Ghaemi, USA—Psychiatry—Tufts Univer
Grant Gillett, New Zealand—Philosophy/Neurosurgery—University of Otago
Richard G. T. Gipps, UK—Psychology Oxford University
Jennifer Hansen, USA—Philosophy—St. Lawrence University
Markus Heinimaa, Finland—Psychiatry/Philosophy—University of Turku
Martin Heinze, Germany—Psychiatry—Immanuel Klinik Rüdersdorf
Tony Hope, UK—Psychiatry—University of Oxford
Julian Hughes, UK—Psychiatry—University of Newcastle
Nev Jones, USA—Psychology—University of South Florida
Laurence Kirmayer, Canada—Psychiatry —McGill University
Jerome Kroll, USA—Psychiatry —University of Minnesota
Paul Lieberman, USA—Psychiatry—Brown University
Michelle Maiese, USA—Philosophy—Emmanuel College
Guilherme Messas, Brazil—Psychiatry—USP
Marcin Moskalewicz, Poland—Psychiatry/Philosophy—University of Heidelberg
Jean Naudin, France—Psychiatry/Philosophy—Aix Marseille Université
Josef Parnas, Psychiatry University of Copenhagen
Christian Perring, USA—Philosophy
James Phillips, USA—Psychiatry—Yale University
Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed, UK—Psychiatry/Philosophy
Louis Sass, USA—Psychology—Rutgers University
John Z. Sadler, UK—USA—Psychiatry—University of Texas
Giovanni Stanghellini, Italy—Psychiatry—Chieti University
Drozdstoy Stoyanov, Bulgaria—Psychiatry/Philosophy—University of Plovidv
Şerife Tekin, USA—Philosophy/Medical Humanitie—UTSA
Duff Waring, Canada—Philosophy/Law—York University
Robert Woolfolk, USA—Psychology—Rutgers University
Peter Zachar, USA—Psychology—Auburn University Montgomery
John Z. Sadler, USA—Psychiatry/Philosophy—University of Texas
Gwen Adshead, UK—Psychiatry—Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
George J. Agich, USA—Philosophy—Emeritus, Bowling Green State University
Claudio Banzato, Brazil—Psychiatry/Philosophy—UNICAMP
Sidney Bloch, Australia—Psychiatry—Emeritus, University of Melbourne
Stephen R. L. Clark, UK—Philosophy—Emeritus, University of Liverpool
Martin Davies, UK—Philosophy—Oxford University
Hubert Dreyfus, USA—Philosophy—University of California, Berkeley
Bill Fulford, UK—Psychiatry/Philosophy—Oxford University
Gerrit Glas, Netherlands—Psychiatry/Philosophy—VU University Amsterdam
George Graham, USA—Philosophy/Psychology—Georgia State University
Edward M. Hundert, USA—Psychiatry/Philosophy—Harvard University
Daniel Isaacson, UK—Philosophy—Oxford University
Kenneth Kendler, USA—Psychiatry—Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics
Paul R. McHugh, USA—Psychiatry—Johns Hopkins University
Christoph Mundt, Germany—Psychiatry—University of Heidelberg
Lennart Nordenfelt, Sweden—Philosophy—Linköping University
Ahmed Okasha, Egypt—Psychiatry—Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine
Jennifer Radden, USA—Philosophy—Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Kenneth F. Schaffner, USA—Philosophy/Medicine—Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh
Michael A. Schwartz, USA—Psychiatry—Texas A&M School of Medicine
The journal does not review single books. If however you wish to review a topic area of current work, please contact:
Werdie van Staden, Reviews Editor
In its series that will span several issues, PPP invites scholarly papers on epistemology and mental health. With practical relevance for individuals and/or public mental health, papers may address the scope, the terms of verification, strengths, and limitations that pertain to the various kinds of knowledge, and why and how differentiation between various kinds of knowledge is important for an individual’s mental health, for clini-cians providing mental health care, and in research methodology.
Please submit papers at mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ppandp, and make reference to this series in the cover letter.
Papers will be conjointly edited by Prof Werdie van Staden (Editor-in-Chief) and Prof Drozdstoj (Drossi) Stoyanov as Series Guest Editor.
Submission deadline: July 31, 2025
eTOC (Electronic Table of Contents) alerts can be delivered to your inbox when this or any Hopkins Press journal is published via your ProjectMUSE MyMUSE account. Visit the eTOC instructions page for detailed instructions on setting up your MyMUSE account and alerts.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
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Published quarterly
Readers include: The Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry—AAPP (U.S.); the Royal College of Psychiatrists Philosophy Group (U.K.); the Royal Institute of Philosophy (U.K.); philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists, practitioners, researchers, and others interested in the areas of philosophy, psychiatry, and psychology
Print circulation: 182
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2 Page Spread - $563.00
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Hopkins Press Journals