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Journal of the History of Philosophy


Deborah Boyle, College of Charleston

63 (2025)
The Journal of the History of Philosophy is an internationally recognized quarterly that publishes peer-reviewed articles, notes, discussions, and book reviews devoted to the history of philosophy. In light of the expertise of our editorial team, we consider contributions in the following areas: Ancient Greek and Latin Philosophy, early to late Medieval Philosophy (Latin, Arabic, Hebrew), and European and Anglo-American philosophical traditions from the Renaissance to 20th century. We also consider contributions that explore historical influences between these areas and with traditions in the...
The Journal of the History of Philosophy is an internationally recognized quarterly that publishes peer-reviewed articles, notes, discussions, and book reviews devoted to the history of philosophy. In light of the expertise of our editorial team, we consider contributions in the following areas: Ancient Greek and Latin Philosophy, early to late Medieval Philosophy (Latin, Arabic, Hebrew), and European and Anglo-American philosophical traditions from the Renaissance to 20th century. We also consider contributions that explore historical influences between these areas and with traditions in the history of philosophy not mentioned here. The journal publishes material in English, French, and German. It appears quarterly in January, April, July, and October.
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Before submitting manuscripts for review, please consult the following guidelines:

JHP Submission Guidelines -- English

JHP Submission Guidelines -- French

JHP Submission Advice -- German

Although formatting is not crucial at the review stage, authors are advised to refer to the Information and Advice for Submitting to the JHP, to which articles accepted for publication must conform.


March 1, 2018
Effective immediately, the JHP is lifting the suspension, instituted on December 1, of consideration of new submissions in early modern philosophy, as well as of new *revise and resubmits*. Our publication queue is back within acceptable range in all historical periods.

The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.

Peer Review Policy

The Journal of the History of is an internationally recognized quarterly that publishes peer-reviewed articles, notes, discussions, and book reviews devoted to the history of philosophy. The journal publishes material in English, French, and German. It appears quarterly in January, April, July, and October.

Authors must certify that their work is original, and not under consideration elsewhere.  We do not publish translations of work already published in a modern language.

All submissions are subject to initial review for suitability by an editorial committee consisting of the Editor, the Managing Editor, and members of the Editorial Board and Board of Directors with expertise relevant to the submission.  

Submissions chosen for review are double-blinded and sent to at least two referees, who are asked to comment in their reports on the historical and philosophical significance of the topic, the paper’s contribution to scholarship, the completeness of the discussion, and the paper’s familiarity with primary sources in their original language, appropriate editions, and/or relevant secondary literature. Finally, referees are asked to deliver one of four recommendations: 1. Outright Acceptance: Publish in present form; 2. Conditional Acceptance: Publish after minor revisions; 3. Revise and Resubmit: Paper not publishable in present form, reject but invite resubmission of a revised version; 4. Final Rejection: Reject without an invitation to revise and resubmit.  The Editor makes the final decision about the paper based on the readers’ reports. Resubmissions of papers receiving a ‘3’ (Revise and Resubmit) are considered new submissions, though we try to re-engage the original referees to evaluate the revised versions.

Our current average review time from initial submission to final decision is 62 days. Our acceptance rate is 3.57%.

We occasionally solicit special discussion pieces from experts in the field on topics of general interest to our readership.


Editor: Deborah Boyle, College of Charleston  
Managing Editor: Hank Southgate, University of Wisconsin, Madison  
Book Review Editor: Giorgio Pini, Fordham University  
Founding Editor: Richard H. Popkin  
Former Editors: Jack Zupko, Rudolf Makkreel, Benson Mates, Steven Nadler, David Fate Norton, Gerald A. Press, Tad M. Schmaltz, Richard A. Watson

Board of Directors

Deborah Boyle, College of Charleston  
Taylor Carman, Barnard College, Columbia University  
Becko Copenhaver, Washington University in St. Louis  
Juliet Floyd, Boston University  
Mariska Leunissen, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill  
Christiana Olfert, Tufts University  
Giorgio Pini, Fordham University  
Lisa Shapiro, McGill University  
Jean-Luc Solère, Boston College 
Eileen Sweeney, Boston College 
Eric Watkins, University of California, San Diego 
Kenneth Winkler, Yale University 
Rachel Zuckert, Northwestern University 
Jack Zupko, University of Alberta


College of Charleston 
Emory University 
Fordham University 
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Editorial Board

Peter Adamson, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
James Allen, University of Toronto
Peter Anstey, The University of Sydney
Wiep van Bunge, Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam
Maudemarie Clark, University of California, Riverside; Colgate University
Corinne Gartner, Wellesley College
Michelle Kosch, Johns Hopkins University
Henrik Lagerlund, Stockholm University
Denis McManus, University of Southampton
Cheryl Misak, University of Toronto
Robert Pasnau, University of Colorado, Boulder
Dominik Perler, Humboldt University, Berlin
Elizabeth S. Radcliffe, The College of William and Mary
Bernard Reginster, Brown University
Sally Sedgwick, Boston University

Editorial Consultants

For evaluation of manuscripts, the Editors rely upon the expert judgment of numerous scholars. A list of their names appears annually in the October issue with the volume index.

For information about the book reviews policy, see here.

Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.

The Journal of the History of Philosophy occasionally selects articles published in its pages for 30 minute podcast interviews with the author(s). The interviewer and interviewee are both specialists in the field, but the podcast focuses on the significance of the article for the general philosophical public.

Listen to each episode by clicking on blue button beneath each description.

JHP Podcast: Episode 6, Andrew Chignell interviews Jessica Moss and Whitney Schwab

In this episode, Andrew Chignell (Princeton University) interviews Jessica Moss (New York University) and Whitney Schwab (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) about their coauthored article, “The Birth of Belief,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 57.1 (January 2019): 1–32. The article won JHP’s prize for best article published in 2019. Andy Gittlitz, producer. Music by J. S. Bach, performed by Taylor Carman.

JHP Podcast Episode 6, Andrew Chignell interviews Jessica Moss and Whitney Schwab 

JHP Podcast: Episode 5, Samuel Levey interviews Richard Arthur

In this episode, Samuel Levey (Dartmouth College) interviews Richard Arthur (McMaster University) about his book, Monads, Composition, and Force: Ariadnean Threads Through Leibniz’s Labyrinth (Oxford University Press, 2018), winner of the 2022 JHP Book Prize. Andy Gittlitz, producer. Music by J. S. Bach, performed by Taylor Carman.

JHP Podcast Episode 5, Samuel Levey interviews Richard Arthur

JHP Podcast: Episode 4, Eric Watkins interviews Arthur Ripstein

In this episode, Eric Watkins (UC, San Diego) interviews Arthur Ripstein (University of Toronto) about his book, Kant and the Law of War (Oxford Univeristy Press, 2021), winner of the 2022 JHP Book Prize. Andy Gittlitz, producer. Music by J. S. Bach, performed by Taylor Carman.

JHP Podcast Episode 4, Eric Watkins interviews Arthur Ripstein

JHP Podcast: Episode 3, Matthew Walker

In this episode, John Wynne (Classics, University of Utah) interviews Matthew Walker on Matthew’s article, “Aristotle’s Eudemus and the Propaedeutic Use of the Dialogue Form,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 59.3 (July 2021): 399–427. The article won the JHP’s Prize for best article published in 2021. The interview was recorded in October 2022. Transcription by Calum Jopling, University of Alberta. 

JHP Podcast Episode 3, John Wynne



JHP Podcast: Episode 2, Karen Ng

In this episode, Jacob McNulty (Dartmouth College) interviews Karen Ng (Vanderbilt University), whose Hegel’s Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic (Oxford University Press, 2020) was awarded JHP’s 2021 Book Prize. The interview was recorded in July of 2022. Producer: Andrew Gittlitz. Music: Taylor Carman. JHP contact: Taylor Carman ( Transcription by Taylor Carman, Department of Philosophy, Barnard College.

JHP Podcast EPISODE 2, Karen NG 



JHP Podcast: Episode 1, Jari Kaukua

In this episode, Peter Adamson (LMU Munich) interviews Jari Kaukua (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) on Jari’s article, “Avicenna's Outsourced Rationalism,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 58.2 (April 2020): 215-40. The article won the JHP’s Prize for the best article published in its pages in 2020.  The interview was recorded in November 2021.  Producer: Andrew Gittlitz.  Music: Taylor Carman.  JHP contact: Jack Zupko (  Transcription by Calum Jopling, University of Alberta.

JHP PodcasT EPISODE 1, Jari Kaukua 

JHP Podcast 1 transcript.pdf

Abstracting & Indexing Databases

  • Clarivate Analytics
    • Arts & Humanities Citation Index
    • Current Contents
    • Web of Science
  • De Gruyter Saur
    • Dietrich's Index Philosophicus, coverage dropped
    • IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
    • Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
  • EBSCOhost
    • Academic Search Alumni Edition, 7/1/1993-
    • Academic Search Complete, 7/1/1993-
    • Academic Search Elite, 7/1/1993-
    • Academic Search Premier, 7/1/1993-
    • America: History and Life, 1/1/1964-
    • ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association), 1990-1990, dropped
    • Biography Index: Past and Present (H.W. Wilson), vol.22, 1984-vol.49, no.1, 2011
    • Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson), Oct.1983-
    • Current Abstracts, 1/1/2000-
    • Historical Abstracts (Online), 1/1/1963-
    • Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson), 1/1/1974-7/1/1983
    • Humanities Abstracts (H.W. Wilson), 7/1/1983-
    • Humanities Index (Online), 1983/10-
    • Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson), 1/1/1974-7/1/1983
    • Humanities International Complete, 7/1/1993-
    • Humanities International Index, 7/1/1993-
    • Humanities Source, 1/1/1974-
    • Humanities Source Ultimate, 1/1/1974-
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • New Testament Abstracts (Online)
    • OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), 7/1/1983-
    • Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
    • The Philosopher's Index
    • TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 1/1/1995-
  • Elsevier BV
    • Scopus, 1999-, 1980-1983, 1975-1976
  • Gale
    • Book Review Index Plus
    • Gale Academic OneFile
    • Gale Academic OneFile Select, 01/1989-01/2016
    • Gale General OneFile, 01/1989-01/2016
    • InfoTrac Custom, 1/1989-1/2016
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
  • National Library of Medicine
    • PubMed
  • OCLC
    • ArticleFirst, vol.XXX, no.3, 1992-vol.49, no.4, 2011
    • Electronic Collections Online, vol.39, no.1, 2001-vol.49, no.4, 2011
    • Humanities Index (Online), 1983/10-
    • Periodical Abstracts, v.27, n.1, 1989-v.49, n.2, 2011
  • Ovid
    • The Philosopher's Index
  • Peeters Publishers
    • Repertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie (Online)
  • Personal Alert (E-mail)
  • ProQuest
    • Art, Design & Architecture Collection, 01/01/1989-
    • Arts & Humanities Database, 01/01/1989-
    • Arts Premium Collection, 1/1/1989-
    • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Core
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • Periodicals Index Online
    • Philosophy Collection, 01/01/1989-
    • Professional ProQuest Central, 01/01/1989-
    • ProQuest 5000, 01/01/1989-
    • ProQuest 5000 International, 01/01/1989-
    • ProQuest Central, 01/01/1989-
    • Religion Database, 01/01/1989-
    • Research Library, 01/01/1989-
    • Social Science Premium Collection, 01/01/1989-, dropped
    • The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL)
    • The Philosopher's Index

Abstracting & Indexing Sources

  • Religion Index One: Periodicals   (Ceased)  (Print)
  • Religion Index Two: Multi-Author Works   (Ceased)  (Print)

Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.

0.7 (2023)
0.9 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00093 (Eigenfactor™ Score)

Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.

© Clarivate Analytics 2024

Published quarterly

Readers include: Scholars and students in philosophy and the history of philosophy

Print circulation: 221

Print Advertising Rates

Full Page: (5.5 x 8") - $450.00

Half Page: (5.5 x 4") - $338.00

2 Page Spread - $675.00

Print Advertising Deadlines

January Issue - November 15

April Issue - February 15

July Issue - May 15

October Issue - August 15

Online Advertising Rates (per month)

Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $338.00

Online Advertising Deadline

Online advertising reservations are placed on a month-to-month basis.

All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.

General Advertising Info

For more information on advertising or to place an ad, please visit the Advertising  page.  

"The Journal of the History of Philosophy has for a long time been one of the two or three most prestigious journals in the field. Publishing papers in all areas of the history of philosophy, it nonetheless manages to maintain the highest professional standards for publications on every historical area or figure."

-Nicholas D. Smith
Lewis and Clark University

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