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The Erie Canal’s bicentennial: a reminder of what happens when wealth, politics, and science converge
Five Steps to Treating Tinnitus
Many people with tinnitus (TIN-i-tus or tin-EYE-tus) describe a ringing in the ear although it may also sound like buzzing, humming or whooshing. These sounds do not come from an external source but are caused by an internal dysfunction of the auditory system...

The Bison’s Legacy
One year ago this May, President Obama signed the National Bison Legacy Act, naming the American bison as the country’s official national mammal. The following July, wildlife preservationist groups filed notice of their intent to sue the Department of the...
HHT Global Awareness Day
Today is June 23, 2017 and it’s HHT Global Awareness Day! As a person who has HHT disease and the author of a new book called Living with HHT, I’m excited to be part of this special day devoted to HHT awareness—and I hope my book will contribute to HHT...

Behind the Book: Dr. Thomas J. Balkany On 'The Ear Book'
Despite increased awareness, the human ear continues to be assaulted with ever higher levels of noise. The inevitable consequence of this is hearing loss. The consequences of hearing loss to an individual and society are substantial. The treatment of hearing...

Agricultural Partnerships Paying Off for Libraries
In 1990, Library Trends dedicated a special issue to the topic of libraries and agricultural information. After almost three decades, the journal revisited the topic in the third issue of the current volume. Guest editors Sarah C. Williams and Christine D’Arpa...

Buy Buttons Revisited
In March, I wrote about Amazon Buy Buttons and how we had started noticing used copies pushed as the first buying option. This has also been noticed by other publishers in the book industry, with Publishers Weekly, Shelf Awareness, The Huffington Post, The New...

Hurricane Season Playlist
It’s June, and hurricane season has begun in the Atlantic region. Drawing on the discography of my recent book, Cultivation and Catastrophe: The Lyric Ecology of Modern Black Poetry, this blog post offers a disaster playlist to get you through these stormy...
Celebrating Bloomsday
Today is Bloomsday, a commemoration of the life of Irish writer James Joyce. Today will feature celebrations of the events of his novel Ulysses, which was set on June 16. Earlier this year, Bryony Randall, a lecturer in English Literature at the University of...

Antiquated Power Play
In late 2016, the Journal of Late Antiquity published a special issue on "Landholding and Power in Late Antiquity." The six articles in the issue covered a wide swath of topics on what journal editor Noel Lenski called "a subject of tremendous importance in...

“More Likely to be Attacked Than Honored”: Changing the Way We Remember Black Soldiers
On Veterans’ Day last year, the Equal Justice Initiative released a new report, “Lynching in America: Targeting Black Veterans,” that says, between 1877 and 1950, “no one was more at risk of experiencing violence and targeted racial terror than black veterans...