Critical essays, reviews, popular-culture columns, and notices may be submitted by electronic mail (as an attached word processing document, if possible) or by snail-mail. PMC is no longer accepting unsolicited works of fiction or poetry.
Editors’ Address
Send correspondence or submissions to pomoculture@gmail.com
Snail Mail: PMC c/o Eyal Amiran
243 Humanities Instructional Building
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-2651
Electronic submissions may be in Microsoft Word or Wordperfect. We can, however, handle other formats; if you submit a PDF, please make sure that the document’s text and properties do not identify you as the author.
The current MLA format is recommended for documentation in essays. We can read essays in any format, but will ask for MLA format for publication.
PMC does not have a specific word length requirement and can publish long pieces. Essays appearing in the journal tend to be between 6,000 and 11,000 words. Please include an abstract of up to 100 words in length with your submission.
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Work submitted to Postmodern Culture (PMC) should be original, advance its fields of inquiry, have a clear focus and argument, and situate its claims in its relevant fields. PMC mostly publishes argumentative essays of 6,000-9,000 words but also supports experimental work when it is warranted. The journal may also consider English translations of theory or work suitable to our popular-culture column, but not fiction or poetry.
In the interest of authors, the journal considers simultaneous submission, but not work that is already published elsewhere. All submissions are screened by the editors in-house. Work that is suitable or the journal is sent to two reviewers from the journal's editorial board for double-anonymous review. Authors may be asked to revise their work, depending on the reviewers' comments, at which point work will return to the reviewers who requested revisions. Initial consideration can take 1-4 weeks; outside review varies, depending on availability of expert reviewers, but usually takes 8-10 weeks.
Eyal Amiran, University of California, Irvine
Mathias Nilges, St. Francis Xavier University
Ellen McCallum, Michigan State University
Rashmi Varma, University of Warwick
Judith Goldman, The University at Buffalo
Annie Moore
Lisa Brawley, Vassar College
James F. English, University of Pennsylvania
Paula Geyh, Yeshiva University
Stuart Moulthrop, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
John Unsworth, University of Virginia
Abram Foley
James Berger
Marcus Boon
Ron Broglio
Ericka Beckman
Eric Cazdyn
Heesok Chang
Wendy Chun
Melinda Cooper
Ashley Dawson
Johanna Drucker
Graham Hammill
Terry Harpold
Steven Helmling
Eleanor Kaufman
Neil Larsen
Jacques Lezra
Colleen Lye
Jan Mieszkowski
Jim Morrison
Susanna Paasonen
Bob Perelman
Rachel Greenwald Smith
Books for review should be sent directly to the Book Review Editors:
Ellen McCallum, Book Review Editor
Email: emc@msu.edu
Rashmi Varma, Book Review Editor
Email: Rashmi.Varma@warwick.ac.uk
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.2 (2023)
0.3 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00018 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.
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Published three times a year in September, January and May.
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"For as long as most of us have been hooked up to the Net, Postmodern Culture has been there, online and available. Its solid articles, in-depth reviews, and up-to-date announcements bring a measure of substance to the often ephemeral world of digital publishing."
-Edward Falco, Professor of English, Virginia Tech, Author of the hypertext novel A Dream with Demons
"Almost a decade ago, PMC showed us the future of scholarly electronic publishing on the Internet; today it still represents the future, as the leading journal in its field."
-Espen Aarseth, Associate Professor in Humanistic Informatics, University of Bergen
"I find Postmodern Culture an indispensable resource for thinking about postmodern culture, literature, and theory. It consistently publishes cutting-edge articles that change how I think about what matters, and why. Innovative and rigorous at the same time, it has continued the pioneering spirit that makes it one of the most valuable journals I read."
-Katherine Hayles, English Department, University of California-Los Angeles
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