Authors should submit their manuscripts online with ScholarOne at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/elh.
ELH strongly prefers submissions in Word (.doc or .docx) format. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. Manuscripts should be double-spaced, with one-inch margins, in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. Submissions should be at least 8,000 words in length and should not exceed 12,000 words, including endnotes. An abstract of around 100 words should accompany each submission.
ELH now adheres to a double-blind review process. Thus no information that would identify the author (including name, affiliation, and expressions of thanks to those who have helped with the project) should appear anywhere in the manuscript. Authors referring to their own prior published work should cite it as a third party would.
Please note that the journal will not consider work currently under review elsewhere. Once a manuscript has been submitted, we are unable to accept further revisions.
Additionally, please note that the journal does not routinely offer readers' reports. Any questions or inquiries should be sent to elh@jhu.edu.
It has come to our attention that communications sent via the ScholarOne system very occasionally get caught in spam/junk mail filters. To ensure that messages from ELH reach you, please provide a primary cc address in your author profile, if possible, and check your spam/junk mail folders periodically to make sure that our correspondence has not been diverted from your inbox.
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
ELH welcomes sophisticated, groundbreaking essays on all literatures in English and on cultural forms and contexts related to those literatures. Continuing a tradition that stretches back to 1934, the journal's editors balance historical, critical, and theoretical concerns in seeking to publish the very best work on English-language writing from its beginnings to the present day. ELH does not publish book reviews.
The journal accepts for consideration original essays of 8,000 to 12,000 words, including endnotes; it will not consider work currently under review elsewhere. The Managing Editor of the journal reviews submissions for conformity to length and other stipulations appearing in the author guidelines; unsuitable manuscripts are returned by the Managing Editor. ELH adheres to a double-blind review process and aims to return decisions to authors within four months after date of submission. Authors may be invited to revise their essays and submit them for reconsideration; ordinarily, the revised essay will be examined by the original submission’s reviewer(s). Prior to publication, accepted essays are copy edited by the journal’s Associate Editors, who also manage communications with authors in the production stage.
Jeanne-Marie Jackson
Sharon Achinstein
Christopher Cannon
Nan Z. Da
Drew Daniel
Mary Favret
Harris Feinsod
Christopher Grobe
Jared Hickman
Lawrence Jackson
Douglas Mao
Andrew H. Miller
Christopher Nealon
Nadia Nurhussein
Jesse Rosenthal
Mark Thompson
Amanda Anderson
Isobel Armstrong
Leo Braudy
James Buzard
Simon During
John Guillory
Langdon Hammer
Elizabeth Hanson
Victoria Kahn
Jonathan Kramnick
Marjorie Levinson
Katharine Maus
Feisal Mohamed
Ankhi Mukherjee
Ato Quayson
David Wallace
Autumn Womack
Sophia Franchi
Sylvia Cutler
Nora Pehrson
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.2 (2023)
0.5 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00080 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.
© Clarivate Analytics 2024
Published quarterly
Readers include: Scholars and educators in English and American literature, literary history, and theory. Also academic and research library patrons
Print circulation: 215
Full Page: (4.75 x 7.5") - $450.00
Half Page: (4.75 x 3.5") - $338.00
2 Page Spread - $675.00
March Issue - January 15
June Issue - April 15
September Issue - July 15
December Issue - October 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $338.00
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Hopkins Press Journals