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Victorian Review welcome articles on all aspects of Victorian literature, history, science, arts, and culture. All submissions must be double spaced and must conform to MLA Handbook guidelines, with parenthetical documentation and a list of works cited. Submissions should be 5,000-8,000 words in length and must not have been previously published, in whole or in part, either in print or online. Submissions under consideration at another journal are not accepted.
Submissions to Victorian Review are reviewed by our Submissions Editor who determines whether the topic is suitable for the journal and meets basic academic standards regarding length, use of secondary sources, and style. In some instances, the Submissions Editor may consult with other members of the Editorial Committee or experts in the field before determining whether or not the essay should be put forward for double-blind peer review. In such instances, an essay that is determined not to be suitable for the journal may be returned with the comments (if any) that result from this preliminary consultation process.
All essays considered for publication are sent for blind-review to two readers who are experts in the relevant field. Readers are asked to assess the essay according to the following criteria: Significance; Originality; Authority (i.e. awareness and use of relevant scholarship); Presentation (style, grammar, spelling, citation); and Contribution to Victorian studies. Readers make one of the following recommendations:
I highly recommend acceptance
I recommend acceptance
I recommend acceptance with revisions indicated
I recommend revise and resubmit
I recommend rejection
Once the Submissions Editor has received both reports, the essay and the reports are circulated to the five-person Editorial Committee which determines one of the following outcomes: to accept, to accept with revisions, to invite the author to revise and resubmit, or to reject. In all cases, the author receives, together with this decision, those parts of the readers’ reports considered helpful in revising the essay.
The review process typically takes three months.
Essays that are accepted with revisions or invited to revise and resubmit are expected to reply to the suggestions in the readers’ reports, and/or the additional comments made by the Editorial Committee, and to provide a cover letter summarizing these changes. In the case of a recommendation of revise and resubmit, the revised essays are sent back to at least one of the previous readers for comment and assessment.
In addition to articles, Victorian Review publishes two other kinds of writing: Forum essays, short, op-ed style opinion pieces on a topic of interest to the discipline, and Book Reviews. These informal pieces are commissioned by their respective Editors, who review them for grammar, style, factual accuracy, and suitability for publication. They are not sent out for blind review.
Janice Schroeder
Kristen Guest, University of Northern British Columbia (vreview@unbc.ca)
Vanessa Warne, University of Manitoba (Vanessa.Warne@ad.umanitoba.ca)
Daniel Martin, MacEwan University (MartinD86@macewan.ca)
Susan Doyle (sdoyle@uvic.ca)
Jeffrey Robert Swim
The Victorian Review is proud to have a blog partnership with The Floating Academy.
Jason Dewinetz
(Greenboathouse Press)
Lauren Gillingham
Stephen Arata, University of Virginia
Nancy Armstrong, Duke University
Simon Avery, University of Westminster
Jason Camlot, Concordia University
Nicholas Daly, University College Dublin
Catherine Delyfer, Université de Toulouse II – Le Mirail
Joy Dixon, University of British Columbia
Christine Ferguson, University of Glasgow
Joan Greer, University of Alberta
James Hanley, University of Winnipeg
Janice Helland, Queen’s University
Ian Hesketh, University of Queensland
Christopher Hosgood, University of Lethbridge
Linda K. Hughes, Texas Christian University
Christopher Keep, Western University
Grace Kehler, McMaster University
Graham Law, Waseda University
Barbara Leckie, Carleton University
Bernard Lightman, York University
Diana Maltz, University of Southern Oregon
Teresa Mangum, University of Iowa
Britta Martens, University of the West of England
Jill Matus, University of Toronto
James Mussell, University of Leeds
Erika Rappaport, University of California, Santa Barbara
Matthew Rubery, Queen Mary, University of London
Peter Sinnema, University of Alberta
Martha Stoddard-Holmes, California State University, San Marcos
Victorian Review does not accept unsolicited book reviews.
Please send books for review to:
Dr. Daniel Martin
Assistant Professor
Department of English
MacEwan University
Room 6-229, City Centre Campus
10700 – 104 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5J 4S2
Phone: 780-633-3915
Email: MartinD86@macewan.ca
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.2 (2023)
0.3 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00020 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.
© Clarivate Analytics 2024
Published twice a year
Readers include: Scholars from all areas of Victorian studies
Print circulation: 193
Full Page: (5.5 x 8") - $375.00
Half Page: (5.5 x 4") - $281.00
2 Page Spread - $563.00
Spring Issue - March 15
Fall Issue - September 15
Promotion (400 x 200 pixels) - $ 281.00
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