We invite submissions of article-length manuscripts (not exceeding 10,000 words including endnotes) accompanied by an abstract that summarizes the argument and significance of the work (not exceeding 150 words).
As the first scholarly journal dedicated to documenting the global experiences of women and historical constructions of gender, the Journal of Women’s History publishes articles based on original research that communicates compelling conclusions to a community of scholars whose areas of expertise span all time periods and all areas of the globe. The JWH also publishes reflections on those conceptual, theoretical, and methodological issues common to women’s history. All articles should conform to the JWH Style Guide.
To submit a manuscript, please create an account at the Journal‘s Scholar One page, http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jwh
Finally, please compose a thoughtful cover letter to explain why the JWH is the ideal intellectual home for this research. Upload this cover letter as prompted by the Scholar One system.
We look forward to reading you!
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
The Journal of Women’s History relies on individual or co-authored submissions for most of its articles. That is, the editors infrequently organize special issues where we as editors or through a guest editor solicit contributions. In the main, all articles need to meet our stringent double blind peer review process, with the final decision at the editors’ discretion. Each assigned editor chooses two experts in the particular field, who are asked to rank the article along five criteria: quality of research, quality of analysis, clarity of writing style (we encourage and work with non-native English speaking authors), originality and the significance of the article’s contribution to the international and transnational dimensions of women’s and gender history. In addition, reviewers write up a more elaborate set of detailed suggestions for revision available to the author (and can append a separate statement for the editor’s eyes alone). In this way, Journal practice encourages transnational and comparative histories consistent with the evidence. In the absence of a comparative dimension, however, authors are encouraged to make explicit the innovative methodology of the contribution. In addition, article arguments must be set in the relevant historiography to demonstrate the interpretive originality of the work.
Articles initially are checked by the Journal’s Managing Editors (more advanced Ph.D. students in the History Department) for word length and proper style. All decisions are made by editors of the JWH, including the decision not send the article out for formal review. If the article is sent out for review, authors typically are asked to revise and re-submit, on average two times. This revision process helps insure the highest quality research and writing by the authors. We usually consult several different specialists in the field for the revisions. Typically, it takes between a year and nearly two years from original submission to acceptance. Special sections in an issue (such as the upcoming short essays offering critical perspectives on the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment) or book review forums rely on the editorial skills of the organizer and are not subject to the formal peer review process.
Sandie Holguín, University of Oklahoma
Jennifer Davis, University of Oklahoma
Allison Draheim,University of Oklahoma
Hannah Zinn,University of Oklahoma
Tanya Szafranzki,University of Oklahoma
Jennifer (Jenn) Holland, University of Oklahoma
Christie Farnham
Christie Farnham
Joan Hoff
Elisa Camiscioli
Jean Quataert
Christie Farnham
Joan Hoff
Leila J. Rupp
Donna J. Guy
Jean Allman
Antoinette Burton
Leigh Ann Wheeler
Susan Amussen
Sue Armitage
Margot Badran
Lois Banner
Susan Groag Bell
Mary Frances Berry
Renate Bridenthal
Cynthia Brokaw
Jill Conway
Nancy Cott
Natalie Zemon Davis
Jane DeHart
Estelle Freedman
Linda Gordon
Barbara Hanawalt
Barbara J. Harris
Dorothy Helly
Darlene Clark Hine
S. Barbara Penny Kanner
Gerda Lerner
Jo Ann McNamara
Linda Nicholson
Mary Beth Norton
Cheryl Johnson Odim
Karen Offen
Nell Irvin Painter
Theda Perdue
Elizabeth Israels Perry
M. Jeanne Peterson
Elizabeth Pleck
Sarah B. Pomeroy
Barbara Mercedes Posadas
Glenda Riley
Leila J. Rupp
Kathryn Kish Sklar
Bonnie G. Smith
Hilda L. Smith
Margaret Strobel
Susan Mosher Stuard
Suzanne Fornay Wemple
Joanna Schneider Zangrando
Kathryn Babayan, University of Michigan
Gulhan Balsoy, Istanbul Bilgi University
Keisha Blain, University of Pittsburgh
Kristin Celello, Queens College, City University of New York
Howard Chiang, University of California, Davis
Ashley D. Farmer, The University of Texas at Austin
Carol Faulkner, The Maxwell School of Syracuse University
Eileen Findlay, American University
Lessie Jo Frazier, Indiana University, Bloomington
Wendy Gamber, Indiana University
Liette Gidlow, Wayne State University
Charu Gupta, University of Delhi (India)
Karen Hagemann, University of North Carolina
Kristen Hoganson, University of Illinois
Margaret Kuo, California State University, Long Beach
Ann Little, Colorado State University
Michelle McKinley, University of Oregon
Lynn Mollenauer, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
Sandra B. Sánchez-López, Universidad de los andes (Colombia)
Lorelle Semley, College of the Holy Cross
Diane Miller Sommerville, Binghamton University (SUNY)
The Book Review Editor of the Journal of Women’s History commissions timely Book Review Essays from leading scholars in the field. These essays highlight a subject or method that unites multiple recent books (typically 2-5). The Book Review Essays provide an enduring reflection on important turning points in scholarship, and signal major contributions to critical questions of broad interest to all practitioners in the field of women’s and gender history. Book Review Essays should be between 2,000-5,000 words long (excluding notes). We do not accept unsolicited essays.
Send books for review to:
Dr. Jennifer Holland
Book Review Editor
Journal of Women’s History
c/o Dept. of History,
University of Oklahoma
455 W. Lindsey St., room 403a
Norman, OK 73019
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.6 (2023)
0.7 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00068 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
57 of 518 journals, in “History”
47 of 66 journals, in “Women's Studies”
© Clarivate Analytics 2024
Published quarterly
Readers include: Scholars and students in women's and gender studies
Print circulation: 140
Full Page: (4.75 x 7.5") - $450.00
Half Page: (4.75 x 3.5") - $338.00
2 Page Spread - $675.00
Spring Issue - January 15
Summer Issue - April 15
Autumn Issue - July 15
Winter Issue - October 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $338.00
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