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Cover image of Twentieth-Century China
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Twentieth-Century China

Editor :

Anne Reinhardt, Williams College

50 (2025)
3 issues
Twentieth-Century China publishes new research on China's long twentieth century. Originating in 1975 as a newsletter for experts in the discipline, Twentieth-Century China has grown into one of the leading English-language journals in the field of Chinese history. Articles in the journal, rigorously peer-reviewed, engage significant historiographic or interpretive issues and explore both continuities of the Chinese experience across the century and specific phenomena and activities within the Chinese cultural, political, and territorial sphere—including the Chinese diaspora—since the final...
Twentieth-Century China publishes new research on China's long twentieth century. Originating in 1975 as a newsletter for experts in the discipline, Twentieth-Century China has grown into one of the leading English-language journals in the field of Chinese history. Articles in the journal, rigorously peer-reviewed, engage significant historiographic or interpretive issues and explore both continuities of the Chinese experience across the century and specific phenomena and activities within the Chinese cultural, political, and territorial sphere—including the Chinese diaspora—since the final decades of the Qing. Comparative empirical and/or theoretical studies rooted in Chinese experience may extend to areas outside China. The journal promotes a wide range of historical approaches in its examination of twentieth-century China (social, cultural, intellectual, political, economic, and environmental, among others) and is supported by an international editorial board of eminent scholars.
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Journal Details

Twentieth-Century China welcomes original submissions within the scope of the journal that have not yet been published—and are not concurrently under consideration for publication—in the same or any similar form. All research submitted for consideration should have an appropriate basis in primary sources in Chinese and any other relevant language.


Twentieth-Century China, a refereed scholarly journal, considers manuscripts written from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. The journal seeks original scholarly contributions that challenge old paradigms, propose new ideas and theses, set forth innovative research and methodologies, or engage significant historiographical or interpretive issues regarding China’s long twentieth century, as seen in mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or diasporic activities. Comparative empirical and/or theoretical studies that are rooted in Chinese experience but touch on non-China-related subjects are also welcome. In addition, the journal welcomes proposals for reviews of significant works published in languages other than English and related to twentieth-century China, for English translations of influential articles, or for symposium-style special issues.

Peer Review Policy

Twentieth-Century China employs double-blind peer review and evaluation by one or more of the journal’s academic editors in order to select articles for publication. See the Peer Review Policy on the Publication Ethics tab for complete details. The journal aims to deliver decisions within 60 days of submission; almost all decisions are reached in less than 90 days. Authors may be invited to revise in response to readers’ reports after the initial decision. Editors do not usually provide authors with readers’ reports or explanations when manuscripts receive a decision of “do not publish,” and such manuscripts cannot be resubmitted.

Submission Procedure

Please review all the guidelines on this page before submitting your article for consideration. We no longer accept submissions via email.

Manuscripts to be considered for publication in Twentieth-Century China must be submitted through the ScholarOne Manuscripts interface at:

Begin by registering for a user account or, if you already have an account, by logging into the system. Then, select the “Author” tab to open the Author Dashboard, select “Start New Submission,” and follow the onscreen instructions to enter information and upload your manuscript file, separate editable files for any tables, and separate full-resolution files for any figures. You will receive an onscreen confirmation message and a confirmation email once your manuscript submission is complete.

A user’s guide to the ScholarOne system, FAQs, tutorials, and other help resources may be found at and should answer your questions about the system. If you experience a problem you are unable to resolve via these resources, please direct inquiries to the editor of the journal, Anne Reinhardt, at

Manuscript Preparation

It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that a manuscript is written in clear English before submitting it to the journal. Manuscripts that are not ready cannot be sent to reviewers. Authors may wish to employ a language editor to ensure that language issues will not interfere with reviewers’ and editors’ ability to fully understand the points made in a manuscript. ScholarOne provides a link to one editing service embedded within the journal's submission interface, but Twentieth-Century China does not endorse any particular service among the many available to authors. Use of an editing service can help to clearly communicate the ideas in a paper, but it naturally cannot guarantee acceptance for publication.  

Twentieth-Century China takes academic ethics seriously. Authors should understand their ethical responsibilities as outlined in the JHUP Journals Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement and JHUP's Generative AI Policy for Authors. Manuscripts submitted to the journal may be scanned with software designed for the detection of plagiarism.  

The total word count of articles should not exceed 10,000 words, including the footnotes, the abstract, and the captions and legends.  

Because we employ blind review, authors must remove indications of their identities and affiliations from submitted texts and from file attributes. Acknowledgments and notes on contributor paragraphs may be added only after acceptance.

Please remove all information from your text that might identify an author or an author’s institution. In addition, strip out personal information embedded in your manuscript files by using one of the following methods. Run Word’s Document Inspector on a copy of your file by first clicking the File tab and the Check for Issues button and then selecting Inspect Document. In Word for Mac, select either the Review tab in the ribbon or Tools in the menu, then choose Protect Document, add a checkmark next to “Remove personal information from this file on save,” and save your file.

Prepare your main manuscript file in Microsoft Word or another editable file format. Include an abstract of up to 150 words and about six keywords. Format any figures or tables as separate files in appropriate file formats (see Nontext Components, below). Do not embed figures or tables in the main manuscript file, and do not use placeholder files for figures: upload your high-resolution files when you submit your manuscript. Include figure captions and table legends at the end of the main manuscript file.

Use double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman type for English and pinyin throughout, including the footnotes. Please keep other formatting to a minimum.

Include Chinese characters (in any Unicode font other than Times New Roman) and pinyin for Chinese names and terms in the text. Do not include Chinese characters in the footnotes. Romanization should follow the pinyin system (without tone markings) for Chinese, Möllendorf for Manchu, modified Hepburn for Japanese, and any standard system for other languages.

Footnote citations should follow the humanities format of The Chicago Manual of Style (18th ed., chaps. 13 and 14). Cite each source in full the first time and by author and short title thereafter; do not employ ibid. Do not include places of publication in citations. For Chinese-language sources, cite in pinyin and provide English translations in square brackets for organizational authors, titles of articles, and titles of books. Give publishers’ names only in pinyin. Newspaper citations must include article titles and page numbers or equivalent locators.

Our style summary for authors covers all the journal’s basic style requirements for final accepted manuscripts, and it includes examples of citation formats for English and Chinese works of various types and explains our rules for handling Chinese in the text and notes. Shorter guides highlight the most important requirements for the authors of multibook review essays  and reviews of single books. Please refer to Twentieth-Century China’s full  style manual  and to the 18th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style if you require more complete style guidance..

Nontext Components

Only photos, figures, and maps that provide significant support to the argument presented in the article or significant insight into the subject of the article may be published. Color figures will appear in black and white in the print edition.

Before including images, please consider whether descriptive language can make the point adequately instead and whether permission to reproduce the image is likely to be obtainable from the holder of the copyright. See the section on Permissions, below, for important information on the reproduction of images and other material in Twentieth-Century China: most images will require permission letters. Fully acknowledge the sources of all images and data.

Provide tables in an editable format (Word or Excel, for example). Photos, figures, and maps must be good-quality TIFF/TIF, JPEG/JPG, or EPS files. Upload these high-resolution versions of your figures via ScholarOne when you first submit your manuscript for consideration.


It is the author’s responsibility and obligation to ensure that work submitted to Twentieth-Century China does not violate any copyright or any other right held by a third party.

The press’s FAQ page for journal authors and guidelines for authors of books both include sections on rights and permissions. The Chicago Manual of Style (18th ed.) treats permissions and related topics in chapter 4. US copyright statutes may not be the only relevant laws. 

Before publication, authors must obtain written permission to republish any material that is not their own creation, not in the public domain, and not covered by fair use: employ the press’s permission request template for this purpose. The language of the template requests that rights-holders (publishers or creators) grant specific rights. When necessary, the template may be adapted to request a different type of permission simply to reproduce an original held by a museum or archive (which will not satisfy the need for a separate copyright permission).

Extensive quotation from a short work may exceed fair use and require a permission letter. Translations of text should be the author’s own or, if the work of another, be properly cited and meet fair use standards (unless in the public domain or reproduced by permission letter).

Captions for images and notes to tables must fully credit sources of images and data. Authors should obtain permission letters for all images not clearly in the public domain. Most images made in the twentieth century are not in the public domain, and works for which no copyright-holder can be located do not thereby fall into the public domain. Reproduction of an image—considered a complete work—is generally not accepted as fair use. A small number of nonsequential stills from a film may be reproduced under fair use when an author’s point cannot be made by descriptive language alone.

Upon acceptance, the journal requires all authors to sign and return a publishing agreement. A publishing agreement and any necessary permissions must be complete before an article can proceed to publication.

The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.

Peer Review Policy

Twentieth-Century China welcomes original submissions within the scope of the journal that have not yet been published—and are not concurrently under consideration for publication—in the same or similar form. Translations of influential work in another language may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Members of the editorial team scan submissions for an initial evaluation of whether they fall within the journal scope and standards. Manuscripts that make an original and coherent argument on an aspect of twentieth-century Chinese history via research with a significant basis in primary sources (including sources in Chinese or in other relevant languages) and cite an appropriate set of primary and secondary works will be approved for peer review. A manuscript whose length significantly exceeds 10,000 words (including the notes) may be returned with a request to shorten it before consideration.

It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that a manuscript is written in clear English before submitting it to the journal. Manuscripts that are not ready cannot be sent to reviewers. Authors may wish to employ a language editor to ensure that language issues will not interfere with reviewers’ and editors’ ability to fully understand the points made in a manuscript. ScholarOne provides a link to one editing service embedded within the journal's submission interface, but Twentieth-Century China does not endorse any particular service among the many available to authors. Use of an editing service can help to clearly communicate the ideas in a paper, but it naturally cannot guarantee acceptance for publication.

Twentieth-Century China takes academic ethics seriously. Authors should understand their ethical responsibilities as outlined in the JHUP Journals Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement. Manuscripts submitted to the journal may be scanned with software designed for the detection of plagiarism.

Abstracts of manuscripts that meet the basic requirements are presented to the members of the editorial board, who offer suggestions for reviewers, including themselves. The editor in charge then sends the manuscript to two expert reviewers for evaluation in a double-blind process. After weighing the reviews and the verdicts of each reader, the editor arrives at a decision. A positive decision of “accept” or “accepted pending revision” (APR) means the author will consider the reviewers’ and editor’s comments and send a revised manuscript and an explanation of revisions to the editor in charge, who will read and evaluate it and may return it to the author with further comments or approve it for publication. Authors of APR manuscripts must satisfy the editor that they have considered and addressed the important critiques of the peer reviewers before final acceptance for publication. APR manuscripts are not sent back to reviewers. Manuscripts given a decision of “revise and resubmit” may be resubmitted after focused revision, accompanied by an explanation of how the author’s revisions address the readers’ reports. Such revised manuscripts are sent a second time to two peer reviewers, possibly including one or both of the original reviewers. They are fully evaluated as before. Manuscripts given a decision of “do not publish” may not be resubmitted for further consideration. Editors do not usually provide authors with readers’ reports or explanations when manuscripts receive a decision of “do not publish.”

Each article submitted as part of a proposed special issue will be individually evaluated, undergoing the full peer review process as outlined above. Acceptance of the issue will depend upon acceptance of the individual articles.

The journal aims to deliver decisions within 60 days of submission; almost all decisions are reached in less than 90 days.

“Notes on Archives and Sources” are subject to in-house and outside review; at the discretion of the editors, fewer than two outside reviewers may be employed. 

Book reviews and review essays on sets of books are solicited by the book review editor. They are subject to review and acceptance by the editorial staff but will not be sent to outside reviewers. No unsolicited book reviews or suggestions for reviewers of books will be entertained.



Anne Reinhardt, Williams College (

Associate Editors

Joshua Howard, University of Mississippi (
Uluğ Kuzuoğlu, Washington University in St. Louis (
Helen Schneider, Virginia Tech (

Managing Editor

Gregory Epp

Book Review Editor

Peter Thilly, University of Mississippi (

Editorial Board

Jennifer Altehenger, Merton College, Oxford          
Mary Augusta Brazelton, Cambridge University          
James Carter, Saint Joseph’s University          
Parks Coble, University of Nebraska-Lincoln          
Robert Culp, Bard College          
Prasenjit Duara, Duke University          
Louise Edwards, University of New South Wales          
John Fitzgerald, Swinburne University of Technology          
Hideo Fukamachi, Chuo University          
Bryna Goodman, University of Oregon          
Maggie Greene, Montana State University          
Kelly Hammond, University of Arkansas       
Jan Kiely, Geneva Graduate Institute  
Elisabeth Köll, University of Notre Dame          
Huaiyin Li, University of Texas at Austin          
Ling-ling Lien, Academia Sinica          
Zhao Ma, Washington University in St. Louis          
Micah Muscolino, University of California, San Diego          
Christopher Reed, Ohio State University          
Sarah Mellors Rodriguez, Missouri State University          
Kristin Stapleton, University at Buffalo          
Max Xiaobing Tang, Chinese University of Hong Kong          
Sebastian Veg, L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales [EHESS]          
Dong Wang, Shanghai University          
Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, University of Vienna          
Benno Weiner, Carnegie Mellon University          
Margherita Zanasi, Louisiana State University    
Peter Zarrow, University of Connecticut

Please send books for review to:

Prof. Peter Thilly
Book Review Editor, Twentieth-Century China
Department of History
310 Bishop Hall
University, MS 38677 USA

Book reviews and review essays on sets of books are solicited by the book review editor. They are subject to review and acceptance by the editorial staff but will not be sent to outside reviewers. No unsolicited book reviews or suggestions for reviewers of books will be entertained.

For further information, email Professor Peter Thilly at

Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.

Abstracting & Indexing Databases

  • Association for Asian Studies
    • Bibliography of Asian Studies (Online), 1976-
  • Clarivate Analytics
    • Emerging Sources Citation Index
    • Web of Science
  • EBSCOhost
    • Academic Search Alumni Edition, 4/1/2008-, dropped
    • Academic Search Complete
    • Academic Search Elite
    • Academic Search Premier, 4/1/2008-, dropped
    • Academic Search Ultimate, 4/1/2008-
    • America: History and Life, 11/1/1998-
    • Current Abstracts, 2/1/2008-
    • Historical Abstracts (Online), 4/1/1987-1/1/1997
    • MainFile, 4/1/2007-
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    • Political Science Complete, 4/1/2007-
    • Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
    • TOC Premier (Table of Contents)
  • Elsevier BV
    • Scopus, 2012-, 2002
  • Gale
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
  • National Library of Medicine
    • PubMed
  • OCLC
    • ArticleFirst, vol.34, no.1, 2009-vol.35, no.1, 2010
    • Electronic Collections Online, vol.34, no.1, 2009-vol.35, no.1, 2010
  • ProQuest
    • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)

Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.

0.5 (2023)
0.6 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00035 (Eigenfactor™ Score)

Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
84 of 518 journals, in “History”

© Clarivate Analytics 2024

Published three times a year

Readers include: Experts on China's long 20th century engaged in significant historiographic or interpretive issues and exploration of both continuities of the Chinese experience across the century and specific phenomena and activities within the Chinese cultural, political, and territorial sphere—including the Chinese diaspora—since the final decades of the Qing

Print circulation: 91

Print Advertising Rates

Full Page (4.75 x 7.5”) – $375.00

Half Page (4.75 x 3.5”) – $281.00

2 Page Spread – $563.00

Print Advertising Deadlines

January Issue – November 15

May Issue – March 15

October Issue – August 15

Online Advertising Rates (per month)

Promotion (400 x 200 pixels) – $ 281.00

Online Advertising Deadline

Online advertising reservations are placed on a month-to-month basis.

All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.

General Advertising Info

For more information on advertising or to place an ad, please visit the Advertising page.  

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